Alta Conference Contents

Conferences 1 through 19

First SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1979


pp.  "Title,"  Author, Institution


Rhodes, Jack, and Sara Newell, eds.  Proceedings of the Summer Conference on Argumentation, 1979.  n.p.: n.p., 1980.

Keynote Addresses

8 "From Argument to Argumentation: Fifteen Years of Identify Crisis," Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

20 "Argument and Forensics," David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Distributed Paper

26 "Argumentation as a Communication Process," John H. Powers, Texas A&M University

Argument and the Law

36 "Summary of the Workshop, 'Communication and the Law' and the panel, 'Legal Argumentation and Advocacy,'" Carl Moore, Kent State University

49 "Analogical Reasoning in Legal Argumentation," William Benoit, Wayne State Unitersity, and John France, Ownes-Illinois, Inc., Toledo

62 "Theoretical Hurdles for the Advocate in Rape Trials," Ralphe Towne and Steven M. Weiss, Temple University

Argument: Theory and Criticism

68 "The 'Ideograph' as a Unit of Analysis in Political Argument," Michael McGee, University of Iowa

88 "Between the Liberal and the Metaphorical: Some Sources of Ambiguity in Scholarly Discourse," Herbert W. Simons, Temple University

94 "The Criticism of Foreign Policy Argument," Robert P. Newman, University of Pittsburgh

103 "Welcome Back Rhojack: Mass Media and the Study of Argument," Philip Wander, San Jose State University

112 "Perspectives on Argument," Joseph W. Wenzel, University of Illinois at Urbana

134 "Wurzburgh Revisited: Some Reasons Why the Induction-Deduction Squabble is Irrelevant to Argumentation," Charles Arthur Willard, Dartmouth College

184 "Argument as Linguistic Opportunity: A Search for Form and Function," V. William Balthrop, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

214 "Argument Communities: A Quest for Distinctions," Ray E. McKerrow, University of Maine at Orono

228 "Product, Process or Point of View?" David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Argument and Forensics

239 "National Development Conference on Forensics: An Analysis of Four Basic Themes," George W. Ziegelmueller, Wayne State University

245 "Sedalia Plus Five: Forensics as Laboratory," David A. Thomas, Auburn University

258 "The Unfinished Agenda of Sedalia," Jack Rhodes, University of Utah

262 "Some Speculations About Evidence," Charles Arthur Willard, Dartmouth College

287 "The Use of Evidence in Value Argument: A Suggestion," Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University

296 "The 'Study' as Evidence and Argument in Academic, Policy Debate," Sara E. Newell, University of Utah

304 "The Liberal and the Conservative Presumptions: On Political Philosophy and the Foundation of Public Argument," G. Thomas Goodnight, Northwestern University

338 "Liberal and the Conservative Presumptions in Public Argument: A Critique," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr., University of Louisville

348 "Some Questions About Toulmin's View of Argument Fields," Charles Arthur Willard, Dartmouth College

401 "On Fields and Rational Enterprises: A Reply to Willard," Ray E. McKerrow, University of Maine at Orono

414 "The Textbooks for the Basic Argumentation Class: An Exchange with the Authors," Austin J. Freeley, John Carroll University

Second SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1981


pp.  "Title,"  Author, Institution


Ziegelmueller, George, and Jack Rhodes, eds.  Dimensions of Argument:  Proceedings of the Second Summer Conference on Argument.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1981.


1  "Sociocultural Notions of Argument Fields: A Primer," Bruce E. Gronbeck

21  "Field Theory: A Cartesian Meditation," Charles Arthur Willard

44 "A Dramatistic Approach to Fields," James F. Klumpp

56  "Argument Fields," Robert Rowland

80  "Argument Fields: Some Social Constructivist Observations," Charles W. Kneupper

88  "’Reasonableness’ in Public Policy Argument: Fields as Institutions," David Zarefsky

101  "Historical Reason: Field as Consciousness," John Angus Campbell

114  "Good Reasons: Fields and Genre," Walter R. Fisher

126  "Investigating Policy Argument as a Field," J. Robert Cox

143  "Investigating Religious Argument as a Field," Malcolm O. Sillars

152  "Investigating Legal Argument as a Field," Richard D. Rieke

159  "Jurisprudential Origins and Applications of Presumption and Burden of Proof," Daniel M. Rohrer

179  "An Empirical Investigation of Argumentative Strategies Employed in Supreme Court Opinions," William Lyon Benoit

196  "Policy Advocacy in the Legal Setting: A Case Analysis," David A. Ling

207  "The Unique Role of Language in the Judicial Process: After-the-Fact Classification of Human Behavior," M. Jack Parker

213  "A Situational Perspective for the Study of Legal Argument: A Case Study of Brown V. Board of Education," Nancy Dunbar and Martha Cooper

242  "’Think Like a Lawyer’: Valid Law School Admonition?" Charles B. Shafer

268  "The Functions of Legal Argumentation in Pre-Trial Advocacy," Kenneth W. Salter

279  "The Genesis of Argumentative Forms and Fields," Janice Schuetz


295  "A Search for an Appropriate Argumentative Paradigm," Colan T. Hanson

304  "The Role of Argumentative Analysis in Individual Events," William L. Benoit

310  "Argumentative Goals of Individual Events: An Attempt at Definition," Paul C. Gaske

325  "Predominant Forms of Argument in Individual Events," Suzanne Larson and Sean Patrick O’Rourke

338  "Evidentiary Concerns in the Community of Individual Events," Jack Kay

356  "Ways That Argument May Be Applied in the Oral Interpretation Events," Kathleen H. Olsen

367  "In What Ways Is Argument Applied in the Non-Prepared Speech Events?" James W. Pratt

384  "In What Ways Is Argument Applied in the Prepared Speech Events?" Brenda J. Logue

395  "Do Judging Standards in Individual Events Reflect an Argumentation Perspective?" Bruce B. Manchester and Sheryl A. Friendley

405  "Are New Events Neede to Enhance a Laboratory Experience in Argumentation?" Michael D. Bartanen

415  "The Re-Union of Argumentation and Debate Theory," G. Thomas Goodnight

433  "Judging Paradigms: The Impact of the Critic on Argument," Austin J. Freeley

448  "Debate Paradigms: A Critical Evaluation," Robert Rowland

476  "Counter-Warrants: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come," Patricia M. Ganer

485  "A Defense of the Counter-Warrant as Negative Argument," Austin J. Freeley

494  "Propositions of Value: An Inquiry Into Issue Analysis and the Locus of Presumption," Ronald J. Mation

513  "Value Resolutions, Presumption, and Stock Issues," David A. Thomas and Maridell Fryar

532  "On ‘Being Reasonable’: The Last Refuge of Scoundrels," Donn W. Parson

544  "Determining What Arguments are Critical," Walter Ulrich

554  "Significance in Academic Debate," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.

568  "Counterplan Competitiveness in the Stock Issues Paradigm," John S. Gossett


579 "Adult Reasons in Supplication: Nondebaters Vs. Debaters; Nontraditional Vs. Traditional," Richard D. Rieke

595  "Child Reason in Supplicatory Discourse: Rules to be Refined," Mary Louise Willbrand

609  "’I Gotta Lesson You’: Childish Arguments," Norman Elliott

624  "The Use of Argument by Preschool Children: The Emergent Production of Rules for Winning Arguments," Pamela J. Benoit

643  "Negotiating the Role of Friend," Dennis C. Alexander and Sara E. Newell

663  "Argument, Group Influence, and Decision Outcomes," David R. Seibold, Robert D. McPhee, Marshall Scott Poole, Nancy E. Tanity, and Daniel J. Canary

693  "A Processual Analysis of Argumentation in Polarizing Groups," Steven Alderton

704  "The Budget Expenditure Reduction Process: Its Effect on the Argumentation and Decision-Making of Elected Officials," Carl M. Moore

719  "Heuristic and Eristic Rhetoric in Small Group Interaction: An Examination of Quasi-Logical Argument," Richard Leo Enos

728  Cognitive Sources of Inferential Error and the Contributing Influence of Interaction Characteristics in Decision-Making Groups," Dennis S. Gouran

749  "Argument as a Metaphor for Negotiating Social Relationships," B. Aubrey Fisher

770  "Topical Invention and Group Communication: Towards a Sociology of Inference," Michael C. Leff and Dean E. Hewes

790  "The Role of Advocacy in Small Group Discussion," Alice Donaldson


799  "Rhetoric and the Problem of Legitimacy," John Louis Lucaites

812  "Rhetoric as Source of Legitimacy: The Nation-State and the Myth of Quebec National Identity," Maurice Charland

820  "Arguing as ‘Speaking a Language’: Semiotic Consistency," John R. Lyne

848  "Saving the Public Sphere Through Rational Discourse," Bob Pryor

865  "Johnstone’s Versions of Rhetoric," Molly Wertheimer

875  "What Is a Good Argument?" Dale Hample

894  "Dramatism and Argument," Charles W. Kneupper

905  "The Ideality of Meaning of Argument: A Revision of Habermas," Thomas B. Farrell

927  "The Ideal Speech Situation: A Discussion of Its Presuppositions," Susan L. Kline

940  "Habermas’ Ideal Speech Situation: Some Critical Questions," Joseph W. Wenzel

955  "The Senses of Argument Revisited: Prolegomena to Future Characterization of Argument," Brant R. Burlesson

980  "Senses of Argument: Uses and Limitations of the Concept," Ray E. McKerrow

989  "Deep Rhetoric: A Substantive Alternative to Consequentialism in Exploring the Ethics of Rhetoric," Charles Follette

1003  "The Rawlsian Argument for a Model of Developing an Ethic," Kenneth E. Andersen

1014  "Debating Value Propositions: A Game for Dialecticians," Walter R. Fisher

Third SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1983


pp.  "Title,"  Author, Institution


Zarefsky, David, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes, eds.  Argument in Transition:  Proceedings of the Third Summer Conference on Argumentation.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1983.

Keynote Address

17  "The Contemporary Renaissance in the Study of Argument," Wayne Brockriede

Argumentation Theory

27 "Aristotle’s Indebtedness to the Sophists," John Poulakos

43  "Ethical Proof: A Re-Examination of Aristotelian Theory," Joseph W. Wenzel

54  "The End of Reason: The Critique of Rationality as Argumentative Strategy in Horkheimer," David B. Hingstmans

65  "Argument-as-Epistemic and the Matter of Unsolvable Problems," Michael S. Bruner

75  "Interrogation and Understanding: The Argumentative Basis of Experience," Frank J. Macke

86 "Problems, Puzzles, and Progress: A Micro-Sketch Toward a Philosophy of the Public Sphere," Charles Arthur Willard

105  "An Essay on the Flip Side of Privacy," Michael Calvin McGee

116  "Theorists Understanding ‘The Public’: An Informal Study in Technical Argument," Ed Schiappa

127  "Knowledge and Argument: An Example from English Studies," Patricia Bizzell

135  "Grounds for Argument: Stasis Theory and the Topoi," Jeanne R. Fahnestock

147  "Fields of Argument and Special Topoi," Carolyn R. Miller

159  "The Aesthetic Dimension: A Note on Ideology, Criticism and Reality," Philip Wander

Argumentation in Special Fields

170  "Notes on the Character of Argument in Modern Economics," Donald N. McCloskey

188  "Some Tentative Reflections on Ethos, Argument, and Methodology in the History of Ideas," Alan Megill

201  "Moral Argument in Political History: The Case of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates," David Zarefsky

213  "Models, Statistics, and Other Tropes of Politics: Or, Whatever Happened to Argumentation in Political Science?" John S. Nelson

230  "Rhetoric in the Human Sciences: A Response to Professors Megill, Zarefsky, McCloskey, and Nelson," Michael Osborn

235  "Categories of Reasoning in Legal Argument," Sally Asbell Sheppard and Richard D. Rieke

251  "Rhetorical Argument in Science: The Function of Presumption," Anne Holmquest

272  "Technical Writing as Argumentation," Douglas Bradley Smith

Political Argumentation

285 "Substantive and Regulative Functions of Ideographs: ‘Liberty,’ ‘Order,’ and ‘Public Trust’ in Eighteenth-Century Anglo-Whiggism," John Louis Lucaites

305  "Becoming the Past: The Rationale of Renewal and the Annulment of History," Jeff D. Bass

319  "On Questions of Evaluation and Survival in Nuclear Conflict: A Case Study in Public Argument and Rhetorical Criticism," G. Thomas Goodnight

339  "Direct Mail Fundraising Letters: ‘Objectifying’ Arguments in a Personal Medium," J. Robert Cox

352  "The American Concept of Progress in Liberal Argument," Thomas Kane

365  "The Impasse of the Liberal Argument: Speculation on American Politics in the Late 1960’s," David Zarefsky

380  "Why the New Deal Still Needs a Hero: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.’s Arguments for Liberalism in the 1980’s," Steve Depoe

Studies in Public Argumentation

400 "Ways of Going Public: The Projection of Expertise in the Sociobiology Controversy," John R. Lyne

416  "’Creation-Science’ Is Not ‘Science’: Argument Fields and Public Argument," James T. Hayes

423  "Creationism: The Argument That Time Forgot?" John Angus Campbell

441  "Public Moral Argument: The Nuclear Controversy," Walter R. Fisher

463  "Storytelling as a Mode of Moral Argument: A Response to Professor Fisher," Bruce E. Gronbeck

471  "The Johnstonian Predicament in Moral Argument: The Case of the Abortion Controversy," Randall A. Lake

486  "The Institute for Propaganda Analysis: Public Education in Argumentation, 1937-1942," J. Michael Sproule

500  "Toward a Model of Effective Public Argumentation: A Case Study of Executive Presentations to City Councils," John E. Crawford

Theories of Interpersonal Argumentation

516  "Generic Characteristics of Argumentation in Everyday Discourse," Robert Trapp

531  "Reasoning: An Analysis of Unplanned, Interactional Discourse," Clark D. Olson and Patricia M. Ganer

544  "Characteristics of Arguing from a Social Actor’s Perspective," Pamela J. Benoit

560  "The Functions of Argument," Dale Hample

576  "Reciprocity of Communication and the ‘Social Skills’ Approach to Marriage," Alan L. Sillars and Gary R. Pike

597  "Interactional Antecedents of Social Reasoning Development: Interpreting the Effects of Parent Discipline on Children," Brant R. Burleson

611  "Moral Reasoning Development: An Introductory Review of Correlates and Antecedents," Susan L. Kline and Judith A. Woloschuk

631  "The Arguer in Interpersonal Argument: Pros and Cons of Individual-Level Analysis," Sally Jackson

Argumentation in Group Communication

638  "Argumentativeness: Its Role in Leadership Perception and Group Communication," Beatrice Schultz

649  "Complexity: The Function of Leadership," G. Lloyd Drecksel

667  "Communicative Influences on Inferential Judgments in Decision-Making Groups: A Descriptive Analysis," Dennis S. Gouran

Argumentation and Conflict

685  "On the Relation Between Argumentative and Compliance Gaining Strategies," Jo Liska

697  "Conventional Postulates of Interpersonal Argument," Gary Cronkhite

707  "Control and Intent Profiles of Interpersonal Conflict," Frank E. Millar

725  "Interpersonal Disagreement: The Study of Social Confrontation," Sara E. Newell and Randall K. Stutman

740  "Negotiating Social Conflict in Varying Relational Contexts," Katherine Adams

749  "When Worlds Collide: An Application of Field Theory to Rhetorical Conflict," Scott Jacobs

Theoretical Essays in Forensics

756  "Can We Save Policy Making?" Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.

772  "Lessons Learned: The Philosophy of Ordinary Language and the Theory of Debate," David B. Hingstman

792  "Root Metaphors and Terministic Screens: Another Look at Paradigms," Donn W. Parson

800  "Stasis and the Development of Hierarchies for the Resolution of Topicality," Edward A. Hinck and Andrew J. Rist

812  "Solvency and Inherecy: Comparing the Efficacy of Policies," Carl D. Flaningam

Comparisons of Value and Policy Debate

822  "The Philosophical Presuppositions of Value Debate," Robert Rowland

837  "Value Argumentation in a Competitive Setting: An Inhibition to Ordinary Language Use," Craig A. Dudczak

845  "Comparison of CEDA and NDT: Differences in Program Characteristics and Forensic Director Attitudes," Ronald Lee, Karen King Lee, and Matthew Seeger

858  "A Comparison of Judging Paradigms," David C. Buckley

871  "A Content Analysis of Selected CEDA and NDT Judges’ Ballots," Thomas A. Hollihan, Patricia Riley, and Curtis C. Austin

Practice and Teaching of Forensics

883  "First Negative Strategies," Dwaine R. Hemphill

893 "Cross Examination Re-examined," George Ziegelmueller

904  "A Jurisprudential Approach to Final Rebuttal," Scott L. Harris

918 "Rhetorical Criticism as Argument: A Need for Social Criticism," John M. Murphy

927  "Rapprochement of World1 and World2: Discovering the Ties Between Practical Discourse and Forensics," Jack Kay

938  "The Influence of the Judge on the Debate Round," Walter Ulrich

Workshop in Pedagogy and Curriculum Development

951 Summary of the Workshop in Pedagogy and Curriculum Development

Fourth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1985


pp.  "Title," author


Cox, J. Robert, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Gregg B. Walker, eds.  Argument and Social Practice:  Proceedings of the Fourth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1985.

Keynote Addresses

1  "The Moral Problem of Argumentum per Argumentum," Michael Calvin McGee

16  "Cassandra’s Heirs," Charles Arthur Willard

Argumentation Theory

35  "Who is An Arguer? A Progress Report (transcript)," Wayne Brockriede

39  "Responses (transcripts)," Michael Calvin McGee, Walter R. Fisher, and James F. Klumpp

45  "Recreating a Rhetorical View of Narrative: Adam Smith in Conversation with Quintilian," Michael Calvin McGee

57  "Memory and Diachronic Argument: A Marcusean Note," J. Robert Cox

70  "The Cosmological Experience and Presocratic Philosophy," Peter J. Marston

85  "Argumentation in the Field of Rhetorical Communication," Norbert Gutenberg

100  "Propositions of Fact, Value, and Policy: A Semiotic Augmentation of Argumentation," Richard Fiordo

110  "In Defense of the Fallacy," Walter Ulrich

127  "What Can Speech Acts Do For Argumentation?" Sally A. Jackson

139  "Toward a Normative Theory of Argumentation: Van Eemeren Grootendorst’s Code of Conduct for Rational Discussions," Joseph W. Wenzel

154  "Responses to Kline, Jackson, and Wenzel (transcript)," Frans H. Van Eemeren and Robert Grootendorst

Historical and Political Argument

162  "Speculations on the Treason Trial of Sir Walter Raleigh: Sir Edward Coke as Advocate," L. Raymond Camp

179  "In Search of the Founding Fathers: Historical Argument in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates," David Zarefsky

193  "Political Judgment and Rhetorical Argument: Edmund Burke’s Paradigm," Stephen II. Browne and Michael C. Leff

211  "On the Education of a TV Debate Critic," Donn W. Parson

219  "The 1984 Democratic Debates: Does Format Make a Difference?" Robert C. Rowland and Rey Garcia

236  "Negative Polispots: Mediated Arguments in the Political Arena," Marc S. Reisler, Robert A. Baukus, and J. Gregory Payne

Ideology and Argument Criticism

253  "Ideological Analogons: Portraits of ‘Truth,’" David Cratis Williams

277  "Political Pluralism and Ideological Argument," Mike Weiler

289  "Reagan’s First State of the Union Address: As Case Study in Language, Argument and Culture," Kenneth R. Chase

310  "Argument and Consciousness in Labor History: A Case Study of the Gastonia Strike," James Arnt Aune

323  "The Place of Morality in the Modern World," Phillip C. Wander

340  "The Rhetorical of Historiography: New Left Revisionism in the Vietnam Era," J. Michael Hogan

360  "Argument and Ideology: A Postscript," Bruce Gronbeck

Argument Fields


364 "Storytelling and Public Moral Argument: The Case of Medicine," Michael J. Hyde


376  "Rhetoric and Semiotic in Scientific Argument: The Function of Presumption in Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species Essay," Anne Holmquest, University of Louisville

403  "Punctuated Equilibria: A Case Study in Scientific and Para-Scientific Argument," John Lyne

420  "Rhetorical Grounds for Determining What is Fundamental Science: The Case of Space Exploration," Gonzalo Munevar

435  "The Science of Values and the Values of Science," Charles Arthur Willard


445  "The Path of Legal Reasoning in Sex Discrimination Cases," David S. Werling and Richard D. Rieke

465  "Storytelling in Opening Statements: Framing the Argumentation of the Trial," Kathryn Snedaker and Janice Schuetz

Arbitration and Regulation

483  "Exploring the Boundaries of Technical and Social Knowledge: A Case Study I Arbitration Arguments," Randall A. Lake and Colleen M. Keough

497  "Argumentation in Utility Rate Hearings: Public Participation in a Hybrid Field," Michael J. Wallinger

Meaning and Argument

511 "Pragmatics of Meaning," B. Aubrey Fisher

523  "A Constructivist Approach to Meaning: In Defense of Interpretation," Claudia L. Hale

535  "A New Look at Meaning in Systems of Argument," Gary B. LaFleur

547  "Narrative Beliefs: Belief Spirals and the Probability of Stories," Randall K. Stutman

Interpersonal Argumentation

557  "Metaphor an Metonymy: A Relational Look at Argument and Arguing," Frank E. Millar and Gail P. Moore

578  "Argumentation, Interpersonal Communication, Persuasion, and the Process(es) of Compliance Gaining Message Use," Franklin J. Boster

592  "The Role of Argumentation in Source Credibility," William L. Benoit

604  "Strategies for Threatening Face: Mitigating and Aggravating Bids and Rejections," Pamela J. Benoit

619  "Toward a Developmental Perspective on Argumentative Competence," Julie M. Yingling and Robert Trapp

634  "Social Confrontation in Varying Degrees of Intimacy," Sara E. Newell and Kathryn L. Adams

648  "Arguing Strategies of the Elderly," Janice Schuetz

665  "Can Ordinary Arguers Recognize a Valid Conclusion If It Walks Up and Bites Them on the Butt?" Scott Jacobs, Mike Allen, Sally Jackson, and Dan Petrel

675  "Unused Compliance Gaining Strategies," Dale Hample and Judith M. Dallinger

692  "An Investigation of Relational Interaction and Interpersonal Argument," Ann K. Burnett and G. Lloyd Drecksel

705  "What Are Conversational Arguments? Toward a Natural Language User’s Perspective," Robert W. Martin and Dirk R. Scheerhorn

Argument in Groups and Organizations

723  "A Critical Summary of Research on the Role of Argument in Decision-Making Groups," Dennis S. Gouran

737  "The Functions of Argumentation in Group Deliberation," Randy Y. Hirokawa and Dirk R. Scheerhorn

747  "Argumentation and Negotiation," Gregg B. Walker

770  "Patterns of Argumentation in High and Low Consensus Discussions," Roger C. Pace

782  "The Effects of Evidence on the Perceived Outcome in Superior-Subordinate Decision-Making Situations," Kay Neal

Debate Theory and Argument Pedagogy

Academic Debate

807  "The Art of Storytelling: An Argument for the Narrative Perspective in Academic Debate," Thomas A. Hollihan, Patricia Riley, and Kevin T. Baaske

827  "The Role of Propositions in Forensic Argument," Thomas J. Hynes and Walter Ulrich

841  "Topicality and Division of Ground: Framing Policy Dialiectic," David Hingstman

854  "A Paradigmatic Theory of Topicality," Mike Allen and Nancy Burrell

Teaching Argumentation

862 "Argumentation for the General Student: Toward a Pedagogical Justification," Patricia M. Ganer

874  "Teaching the Argumentation Course from a Multifaceted Perspective," Clark D. Olson

883  "Teaching Argumentation from a Competitive Perspective," Keith Freadhoff

886  "On the Dilemma of Ad Hoc Argument Fields: The Inadequacy of Field Dependent Argument Standards," Craig A. Dudczak

Fifth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1987


pp.  "Title," Author


Wenzel, Joseph W., ed.  Argument and Critical Practices:  Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1987.


1 "The Habitations of Rhetoric," Michael C. Leff

9 "Argumentation Studies’ Five Estates," Frans M. van Eemeren

Seminar on Rhetorical Criticism and Argumentation

25 "The Criticism of Argument; the Argument of Criticism," V. William Balthrop, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

33 "The Aesthetics of Critical Reasoning: Reflections on the Sublime and the Beautiful," Christine Oravec, University of Utah

39 "Recovering the Voices of the Text: Rhetorical Criticism as Ideological Critique," Takis Poulakos, University of Pittsburgh

45 "The Assent of Rhetoric," David Cratis Williams, Northeast Missouri State University

53 "Argumentation and the Politics of Criticism," David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

61 "Argumentation, Criticism, and Rhetoric: A Comparison of Modern and Post-Modern Stances in Humanistic Inquiry," G. Thomas Goodnight, Northwestern University

Seminar on Argumentation Theory and Practice

69 "Theory and Practice/Rhetoric and Marxism," James Arnt Aune, St. Olaf College

75 "Farrell’s Knee: Another Suspenseful Inquiry into the Metatheoretical Issues of Our Time," Thomas B. Farrell, Northwestern University

83 "Rhetoric and Practical Necessity: A View from the Study of Speech Acts," Fred J. Kauffield, Edgewood College

97 "Sophistical Rhetoric as a Critique of Culture," John Poulakos, University of Pittsburgh

103 "The Truth Lies Somewhere Between the Two’: Feminist Formulations on Critical Theory and Practice," Helen Warren, Northeast Missouri State University

Argumentation Theory

113 "Risk, Vulnerability, and Policy Analysis: Implications for Public Argument," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr., University of Louisville

119 "Demarking Science from the State: Risk, the Tarasoff Precedent, and the Presumption of Expertise, or: Is There a Miranda Rule for Science?" Anne Holmquest, University of Louisville

129 "A Rhetoric of Risk: Medical Science and the Question of ‘Wrongful Life’," Michael Hyde, Northwestern University

137 "Better Red or Dead: Risk in a Nuclear Age," Cori Dauber, University of Pittsburgh

143 "Arguers as Just Good Friends: Love Friendship and Public Argument," Mark Hamilton Wright, Northwestern University

157 "Arguers as Value Adjusters: Epidemic Discourse in the Environmental Movement," Dennis Jaehne, University of Utah

165 "Arguers as Worldmakers: Narrative and the Paradox of Public Debate," Andrew Leslie, Northwestern University

165 "Everyday Argumentation from a Speech Act Perspective," Rob Grootendorst, University of Amsterdam

177 "Everyday Argumentation from an Informal Logic Perspective," J. Anthony Blair, University of Windsor

185 "Everyday Argumentation from an Interpretive Perspective," Robert Trapp, University of Northern Colorado

191 "Is Détente Possible? Habermas and Rhetoric," Mark A. Pollock, Northwestern University

199 "Arguing from Counterfactuals," Charles Arthur Willard, University of Louisville

207 "Prospective Argument: Constraining and Licensing Future Arguments," Clarke Rountree, III, University of Iowa

215 "Coherentism and Contextualism and the Process of Justification," Raymie E. McKerrow, University of Maine-Orono

Critical Studies of Public Argument

223 "Reagan’s Rhetorical Montage," Suzanne Osborn, Memphis State University

229 "Presidential Debates: Epideictic Merger of Issues and Images in Values," David Werling, Michael Salvador, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Mina A. Vaughn, University of Utah

239 "A Structural Functional Analysis of the Assumptions Behind Presidential Debates," Robert C. Rowland, University of Kansas, and Gary R. W. Voss

249 "The Dewey-Stassen Primary Debate of 1948: An Examination of Format for Presidential Debates," Thomas Kane, University of Pittsburgh

255 "Defining Publics And Reconstructing Public Spheres: The Final Report of the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography," Gerard A. Hauser, Pennsylvania State University

263 "Causal Argument in the Final Report of the attorney General’s Commission on Pornography’ Ian Fielding, California State University – Northridge

Arguments in Special Fields: Mediation

271 "Argumentation in Divorce Mediation: What Counts as Decisional Premises in Child Custody Decisions?" Renee Stahle, Miami University, and Nancy Burrell, Wake Forest University

279 "The Mediator as an Arguer," Mike Allen and William Donohue, Michigan State University

285 Mediating Self Image: The Influence of Ego Involvement in the Third Party Disputes," Dan DeStephen, Wright State University

291 "Ideal Argument in the Real World: Making Do in Mediation," Scott Jacobs, Sally Jackson, James Hallmark, Barbara Hall, and Susan Sterns, University of Oklahoma

299 "Advocacy and Influence in Integrative Negotiation: ‘Win-Win’ Argumentation," Gregg B. Walker and William Cue, University of Utah

Arguments in Special Fields: LAW

309 "Objection and Recall of Claims in Legal Discourse," Randall K. Stutman, University of Illinois-Urbana

315 "The Content and Structure of the Appellate Argument: Rhetorical Analysis of Brief Writing Strategies in the Sam Sheppard Appeal," Kathryn Holmes Snedaker, Attorney; VanCott, Bagley, Cornwall and McCarthy, Salt Lake City

325 "Assessing Judicial Opinions: Ronald Dworkin’s Critical Method," Richard A. Parker, Northern Arizona University

335 "The Dialectical Role of the Judge in a Dutch Legal Process," Eveline T. Feteris, University of Amsterdam

Forensic Theory and Practice

341 "Educational Visions of Interscholastic Debate: A Content Analysis of Discussions with Secondary School Coaches," Dayle Hardy-Short and Brant Short, Idaho State University

351 "Implicit Pedagogical Theories of Debate: Patterns of Forensic Philosophy," Ronald Lee and Karen King Lee, Indiana University-Bloomington

359 "Utopian Counter-System Counterparts: The Issue of Competitiveness," Rebecca S. Bjork, University of Southern California

365 "Resolutional Assumptions: Inviolable Argumentative Ground," Robert H. Gass, Jr., California State University-Fullerton

371 "Inherency in Non-Policy Propositions: Rediscovering the Lost Issue," Craig A. Dudczak, Syracuse University

379 "Beyond Objectivity: The Evolution of Debate Judging Paradigms, Alternatives to Judge Objectivity and the Dialogue Paradigm," Rick Rodrick, University of Utah

387 "The ‘Emperor Phenomenon’: The Necessity of Critic Responcibility," Patricia M. Ganer, Cypress College

395 "Beyond the Social Engineering Paradigm: Public Policy Decision-Making –Fifteen Years Later," James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland-College Park

399 "Academic Debate and Democracy: A Clash of Ideologies," Thomas A. Hollihan and Patricia Riley, University of Southern California

Argumentation in Group Processes

405 "The Role of Argumentation in Group Decision-Making Efficacy: A Functional Perspective," Karen Dace and Randy Y. Hirokawa, University of Iowa

411 "Presumption as Problematic in Group Decision-Making: The Case of the Space Shuttle," Richard Ice, University of Iowa

419 "Perceived Causes of Argument Avoidance in Group Decision-Making," Dirk R. Scheerhorn, University of Hawaii at Manoa

423 "Leader as Arguer in Group Decision-Making," Thomas M. Scheidel, University of Washington

429 "Telling a Good Story: Models of Argument; Models of Understanding in the Senate Agriculture Committee," George R. Boynton, University of Iowa

439 "The Failure of Argument in Decisions Leading to the ‘Challenger Disaster’: A Two-Level Analysis," Dennis S. Gouran, Pennsylvania State University

Interpersonal Argumentation

449 "The Expression of Dissatisfaction: When Does Complaint Counts as Confrontation?" Sara E. Newell and Randall K. Stutman, University of Illinois-Urbana

455 "Argument Editing Choices and Argumentative Competence," Dale Hample and Judith M. Dallinger, Western Illinois University

465 "Everyday Argument Practices of Naïve Social Actors," William L. Benoit and Pamela J. Benoit, University of Missouri

475 "Married Couples’ Argument Structures and Sequences: A Comparison of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Dyads," Daniel J. Canary, Brent G. Brossmann, California State University-Fullerton, Alan Sillars, University of Montana, and Shannon LoVette, University of Southern California

Arguments in Special Fields: Science

485 "Rhetoric Within The Citadel," David N. McCloskey, University of Iowa

491 "A Tale Twice Told: The Rhetoric in the Case of DNA," Alan G. Gross, Purdue University – Calumet

499 "Poetry, Science, and Argument: Erasmus Darwin as Baconian Subversive," John Angus Campbell, University of Washington

507 "Learning the Lessons of Lysenko: Biology, Politics, and Rhetoric in Historical Controversy," John Lynn, University of Iowa

Further Studies in Critical Argument

513 "Liberty and Power in Nineteenth Century Public Argument: A Foucaultian Analysis of Jacksonian Rhetoric," James Jasinski, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale

522 "Reading the Signs of the Times: Strategies of Argument in Apocalyptic Discourse," Stephen D. O’Leary, Northwestern University

533 "Arguing For and Against A White Homeland: The Aryan World Congress Versus the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations," Jack Kay, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

541 "Apocalyptic Pornography and the Nuclear Freese: A Defence of the Public," J. Michael Hogan, Indiana University

Arguments in Special Fields: Historiography

549 "Discipline and Present: Argument and History in Academic Fields," John S. Nelson, University of Iowa

557 "Disciplinary History and Other Kinds," Allan Megill, University of Iowa

565 "Hide-Bound Argumentation in Discipline-Bound Inquiry," McGee, University of Iowa

569 "The Argumentative Structures of Selected Eighteenth-Century British Political Histories," Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1989


pp.  "Title," Author


Gronbeck, Bruce E., ed.  Spheres of Argument:  Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1989.


1  "Method as Argument,"  Sally A. Jackson


Spheres of Argument

Fusion of Argumentative Spheres

9 "Intellectuals and the Public Sphere: The Case of the Older Sophists," Takis Poulakos

16 "Critics and Technocrats," David S. Birdsell

20 "W(h)ither the Public Sphere? An Optimistic Reading," V. William Balthrop

26 "On the Natural Development of Public Activity: A Critique of Goodnight’s Theory of Argument," Thomas Nathan Peters

33 "Fusion Criticism: A Call to Criticism," Cori Dauber

37 "Rhetorical Gravity," Anne Holmquest

42 "’Can You Buy Cold Fusion By the Six Pack?’ Or Bubba and Billy Bob Discover Pons and Fleischmann," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.

47 "Spheres of Argument’ as Topoi for the Critical Study of Power/Knowledge," Edward Schiappa

57 "Epochal Rhetoric in 19th-Century America: On the Discursive Instantiation of the Technical Sphere," Kathryn M. Olson and G. Thomas Goodnight

66 "Recalculating the Relation of the Public and Technical Spheres," Barbara Biesecker

71 "Regulatory Rhetoric: Argument in the Nexus of Public and Technical Spheres," Michael J. Wallinger

Expertise in Public Argument

81 "Experts in Moral Argument," Joseph A. Sommerville

86 "Narrative Justice: An Analysis of Selected Supreme Court Decisions," Reginald Twigg

94 "The Discursive Construction of the Physician: The Death of Dialogue," Lee R. Cerling

Polysemy in Public Argument

101 "Polysemy and Pluralism: The Habit of Oppositional Reading," Michael Weiler

108 "Before Prudence: Strategy and the Rhetorical Tradition," Robert Hariman

117 "Machiavelli and the Paradox of Political Hypocrisy: The Fragmentation of Virtue in the Public and Private Spheres," Stephen D. O’Leary

Argument Fields

Champaign ’88

128 "Where Have All the Issues Gone? Explaining the Rhetorical Limits in American Elections," W. Lance Bennett

136 "Congregation By Segregation: An Analysis of Argument Strategies in the First 1988 Presidential Debate," Donn W. Parson

140 "The Visual Context of Argument: An Analysis of the September 25, 1988, Presidential Debate," Robert K. Tiemens

147 "W(h)ither Civic Discourse(?)!" James F. Klumpp

151 "Image and Issue in the Second Bush-Dukakis Debate: The Mediating Role of Values," Duane R. Fish

158 "Getting Away With Murder’: George Bush, Lee Atwater, Willie Horton, and the Political Logic of Common Sense," William F. Lewis

The Political Arena

167 "Conversations About Governing," G. R. Boynton

175 "Political Mythmaking for Post-Moderns," John S. Nelson

184 "Legal Reasoning and Critical Legal Studies," Ira L. Strauber

195 "Arenas of Rhetorical Power: Modes of Persuasion and Sublimation at Multiple Levels of Political Discourse," George J. Graham, Jr.

201 "Appeals to History: An Analysis of the Arguments in the Amicus Curiae Briefs in the Webster Case," Kathleen M. Farrell

207 "Going Meta in Political Confrontations," Herbert W. Simons

211 "Work, Place, and Space: Notes of the Decay of the Conservative Rhetorical Idiom," James Arnt Aune

Argumentation in Science

216 "Of Orchids, Insects and Natural Theology: The Evolution of Darwin’s Strategy After the ‘Origin,’" John Angus Campbell

225 "Nazi Racial Hygiene and the Boundaries of ‘True Science,’" Roy J. Schwartzman

232 "Arguing Science: The Unboundedness of Language," John Lyne

239 "Picking the Winners in the Knowledge Sweepstakes, Or How the Social Epistemologist Reads the Success of Economics and the Failure of Political Science," Steve Fuller

Argumentation in Religion

245 "Temporal Metaphors, Religions, and Arguments," Randall A. Lake

255 "The Narrative Paradigm and the Rational Justification of Values: Religious Argument in the Christian Tradition," Jeffrey Dale Hobbs

259 "Roger Williams and Civic Virtue: Rhetorical Trajectories and Discursive Possibilities," E. Anne Laffoon

268 "Myth and Incarnation as Metaphor and Structure for Religious Rhetoric and Argument," Michael W. McFarland

Conceptualizing Argument Fields

275 "Argument Fields, Logical Types, and Shared Purposes," Jim Hanson

286 "Categorizing Argument Fields: All Fields are Not Created Equal," Craig A. Dudczak

292 "Argumentation and the Common Ground," William Keith and Daniel Bonevac

296 "What If Arguers Could As Easily Show As Tell?" Herbert W. Simons and David S. Birdsell

301 "A Cautious Response to Simons and Birdsell," Mark A. Pollock

Advances in Argument Theory

Williard’s A Theory of Argumentation

303 "Reflections on the Revolution in Willard’s Theory of Argument," Joseph W. Wenzel

309 "A Response to Charles Arthur Willard’s A Theory of Argumentation," Michael Calvin McGee

314 "A Theory of Argumentation: A Critical Response," Barbara Warnick

317 "Reply to McGee, Warnick, and Wenzel," Charles Arthur Willard

Pragma-Dialectical and Dialectical Approaches

324 "Writing Argumentative Texts From Analysis to Presentation: A Pragma-Dialectical Approach," Frans H. van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst

331 "Analyzing Argumentative Texts: The Normative Reconstruction of Multiple and Coodinatively Compound Argumentation," Francisca Snoeck Henkemans

335 "Strategies for the Dialectical Evaluation of Horizontally Ordered Arguments," Tjark Kruiger

339 "Elements of a Dialectical Theory of Rhetorical Communication," Norbert Gutenberg

Argumentation and Feminist Thought

346  "Rhetorics of Difference in Feminist Argument, Karen B. Altman

354  "Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'Game of Honest Argument':  Playing Out the Differences,"  Helen B. Warren

 The Federalist Papers

361  "Candor, Rhetoric, and Interpretation in The Federalist," James Arnt Aune

366  "Rhetorical Force and the Unity of Political Theory and Argumentative Practice in Madison’s Federalist #10," James Jasinski

373  "Prima Facie Argumentative Adequacy in the Federalist Papers," Fred J. Kauffeld

Studies in Technical Argument

383 "Assuming Burdens of Advocacy in a Technical Controversy: The Case of Challenger," Christine M. Miller

392 "Selling the Shuttle: Legitimation Strategies in Presidential Rhetoric Concerning America’s Space Shuttle Mission," Stephen P. Depoe

400 "Argumentation and Corporate Advocacy: The Influences of Organizational Culture on Public Discourse," Thomas A. Hollihan and Patricia Riley


Theoretical Controversies in Academic Debate

406 "Counter-Warrants After Ten Years: The Strategy Re-Examined," Jack Rhodes

411 "Further Examination of Resolutional Focus," Arnie Madsen and Robert C. Chandler

417 "The Narrative Perspective in Academic Debate: A Response to Robert Gass, Jr.," Pete Webster

422 "The Exception as the Rule: A Re-Valuing of the Role of Evidence in Academic Debate," Erik W. Doxtader

Current Issues in Forensics Judging, Pedagogy, and Research

427 "A Profile of CEDA Debate Critics," Craig A. Dudczak and Donald L. Day

434 "The Development of Evaluation Criteria in Individual Events," Clark D. Olson

440 "Redeeming Part of Debate’s Educational Mission Via Public Formats," E. Sam Cox and Scott L. Jensen

446 "Revealing Decisions in Debate: Some Philosophical and Practical Concerns," Roger C. Aden and Ann Burnett Pettus

449 "An Examination and Criticism of Forensic Research: The Last Five Years, 1984-1988," Brenda J. Logue and B. Christine Shea

Forensics, Ethics, and Argumentation Theory

457 "The Relationship Between Debate and Argumentation Theory," Robert C. Rowland and John E. Fritch

464 "Forensics and the First Amendment: Consdering the Kuhlmeier Decision," John McKiernan

468 "Forensics Education and Ethics," Don Brownlee

472 "The Classroom as Public Space," Robert O. Weiss

476 "The Use of Perelman’s Universal Audience in Non- Policy Debate," Glenn Kuper


Theoretical Probes

481 "Functions of Argument in Decision-Making Discussion: Some Prescriptions for Increasing the Probability of Rational Choice," Dennis S. Gouran

489 "Children’s Rhetorical Skill," Susan L. Kline and Kevin Carlson

497 "The Role of Argument, Reasoning and Logic in Tacit, Incomplete and Indirect Communication: The Case of Japan," Michael David Hazen

504 "Generic Poles of Human Communication," Frank E. Millar

Case Studies of Theories and Models

511 "Finding Common Ground and Zones of Agreement: Two Models of Rationality for Conflict Resolution," Scott Jacobs

517 "Shared Premises in Value Argument in the Organization," W. David Pelham

521 "Managerial Power and the Conciliation of Subordinates: The Case of the Space Shuttle Challenger," Christine M. Miller

530 "’The Course of the Avalanche Depends on the Stones Over Which It Rolls’: Arguments From the Underground," Gerard A. Hauser

537 "Inference and Argument in the Supreme Court: A Cognitive Theory Perspective," Molly A. Mayhead

Empirical Inquiries

542 "Tag-Team Argument and Group Decision Making: A Preliminary Investigation," Dale Brashers and Renee A. Meyers

551 "Accounts of Failures and Acclaims of Successes in Arguments," Pamela J. Benoit and William L. Benoit

558 "The Role of Argumentativeness in the Enhancement of the Status of Members of Decision-Making Groups," Beatrice G. Schultz

563 "Biological and Psychological Gender Effects Upon Cognitive Editing of Arguments," Judith M. Dallinger and Dale Hample

569 "A Strategic Conduct Analyzsis of Contract Negotiations: Application of a Structurational Coding System," Colleen M. Keough

576 "Assessing Number of Cognitive Arguments as a Predictor of Group Shifts: A Test and Alternative Interactional Explanation," Renee A. Meyers and David R. Seibold

584 "Argument Comprehension: Some Preliminary Findings," William Keith, Arlene Weiner, and Alan Lesgold

592 "’The Relationship of Interpersonal Argument to Control Mutuality: An Observational Analysis of Romantic Couples’ Conversations," Daniel J. Canary and Harry Weger, Jr.

599 "Assessing Multicultural Argument in the Law of the Sea Negotiations: A Rationale and Analytical Framework," Gregg B. Walker

Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1991


pp.  "Title,"  Author


Parson, Donn W., ed.  Argument in Controversy:  Proceedings of the Seventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1991.


Keynote Address

1  "Controversy," G. Thomas Goodnight

Keynote Responses:

14  "Some Thoughts on the Role of Controversy in Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction," Dennis S. Gouran

16 "Controversy As Contest," Charles Kauffman

20  "Can ‘Controversy’ Be Analyzed to Yield Useful Insights for Argument?" Robert L. Scott

23  "Contesting the Rules of Discourse: A Case Study of Women’s Ascent to Public Advocacy," Martha Solomon


27  "Critical Thinking: A Rhetorical Perspective," Lenore Langsdorf

33  "Keeping Our Traditions Straight: Working With the Intellectual Modes of Argumentative Studies," James F. Klumpp

39  "Toward More Argument Evaluation: Identifying the Constraints," Edward Schiappa

46  "Expanding the Horizons of Justification: The Role of Myth in Cultural Transformation," Kathryn M. Olson

53  "Claiming the High Ground: Universalist Rhetoric in a Post-Modern Context," John Lyne

58  "Prospective Argument, Part II: Layin the Ground for Future Argument," J. Clarke Rountree, III

64  "Rhizomic Rhetoric: Toward an Ecology of Institutional Argument," Andrew Leslie and Stephen O’Leary


Tropes of Political Argument

73  "Tropes of Political Argument in America," John Nelson

Historical Cases

80  "Constituting Citizenship Through Public Agrument: The Case of the Constitutional Ratification Debate, 1787-1788," James Jasinski

86  "Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel Defend the Communist Society: Refutation in The Communist Manifesto," James B. Hanson

89  "Echoes of the Slavery Controversy in the Current Abortion Debate," David Zarefsky

96  "Argument From History1 and Argument From History2: Uses of the Past in Public Deliberation," Bruce E. Gronbeck

Contemporary Cases

100  "Between the Public and Technical Spheres of Argument: The ‘Televisual’ Rhetoric of the Nuclear Freeze Campaign," J. Michael Hogan

107  "In the Clouds: Where Climatologists Failed the Nuclear Winter Debate," David Edward Grassmick

114  "The Disconstitutive Character of the Law: Richard Nixon as Thersites," Frederick J. Antczak

121  "Transforming Individuals and Collectives in ‘The New World Order:’ Implications for Enemy Construction and Response," Carol K. Winkler

128  "The Discourse of M/Otherhood and Johnson Controls: The Debate Over Fetal ‘Versus’ Women’s Rights," Mary F. Keehner

135  "Arguing About Patriotism in a Liberal Community," Ronald Lee and Karen King Lee

140  "Campaign and Character: Robert Kennedy in the 1968 Presidential Campaign," Mary E. Stucky and Frederick J. Antczak


Theoretical Issues

147  "Argument and Organizational Complaints: Application of the Structuration Coding Scheme," Dale E. Brashers

154  "Gender and Media Models in the Development of Argument," Don Brownlee and Ian Fielding

159  "Interactive Complaint Communication: A Reconceptualization of Consumer Complaint Behavior," Dennis E. Garrett and Renee A. Meyers

167  "A Descriptive Account of Interpersonal Argument," Darrin Hicks

175  "Constructive Dimensions of Small Group Argument: Rethinking Argument in Persuasive Arguments Theory," Edward A. Mabry, C. Arthur VanLear, Jullane J. Jackson, and Robert D. McPhee

182  "Argument and Conflict: Conceptual and Empirical Perspectives," Gregg B. Walker

188 "Message Design Logic, Goal Structure, Interpersonal Construct Differentiation, and Situation," Dale Hamper and Judith M. Dallinger

Strategic Uses and Outcomes of Argument

193  "Self-Monitoring and Argumentativeness: Using Argument as Impression Management," R. Paul Thomlinson and Kendall R. Phillips

197  "Interpersonal Argument Processes: Implicit Argument in Japan and the United States," Michael David Hazen

204  "Argumentative Strategies for Managing Conflict," Beatrice Schultz

208  "The Relationship Between Argumentative Subordinates and Supervisor Satisfaction," Tonie Selig Miller

211  "A Closer Look at Argument Behavior in Romantic Dyads," Harry Weger, Jr. and Daniel J. Canary

217  "Framing a Dispute: The Role of Context in Interpersonal Argument," Nancy J. Legge

Argument in Group Interaction

224  "On the Constructive Uses of Argument in Decision-Making Discussion: A Theoretical Perspective," Dennis S. Gouran

229  "Valued Leadership Behaviors and Perceptions of Contribution: The Unsung Hero," Sandra M. Ketrow

237  "Pragma-Dialectics in Education: Teachable Contributions to Small Group Communication from Spuistraat 134," Richard Fiordo

243  "Explicit Disagreements in Groups With High and Low Judgment Model Overlap," Geoff Leatham


249  "Enclaved Publics as Inventional Resources: An Essay in Generative Rhetoric," Margaret D. Zulick and E. Anne Laffoon

256  "Bounded Spaces in Contemporary Discourse: Modernist Problems in Argument Spheres," Reginald Twigg

263  "On the Public Closure of Technical Controversy," Charles Alan Taylor

270  "What Happened at Baltimore: Technical Arguments and Public Values Concerning Human Sexuality at the 1991 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)," Thomas Nathan Peters

277  "A Reanalysis of the Argumentation at Three Mile Island," Robert C. Rowland

284  "’Politically-Savvy Sick People:’ Public Penetration of the Technical Sphere," Dale E. Brashers and Sally Jackson



289  "Global Transformations: Gaia and the Spheres of Argument," Scott L. Harris

294  "The Scientization of Nature: Jacob Bronowski’s Ascent," Thomas M. Lessl

299   "Motivations, Tactics, and Audiences: Anthropological Responses to the Mead/Freeman Controversy," Robert Strikwerda


306  "The Status of Humanity in ‘The Modern Crisis,’" Edward M. Panetta

312  "Liberating Nature: Radical Environmentalists and the New Civil Rights Movement," John W. Delicath

317  "Tropal Argument and Individual Empowerment: 50 Simple Things You Can Do For the Environment," Star A. Muir

325  "Is Doing Something Better Than Doing Nothing?: Environmentalism and the Paradox of Green Consumerism," Michael Salvador and Jack Samosky

330  "The Clash of Rationalities in Environmental Argument," Don Brownlee

334  "Good Food From the Good Earth: McDonald’s and the Commodification of the Environment," Stephen P. Depoe

342  "Think Globally, Act Locally: A Response to Muir, Harris and Depoe," David S. Birdsell


345  "Baby M Goes To The Circus: The Popularity of the Popular Trial," William Lewis

353  "Transcending Field Boundaries: An Approach to Argumentative Justification," Warren Sandmann

359  "Rhetoric’s Wide-Angle Lenses: How Legal Vision Can Be Enhanced With Rhetorical Glasses," Geoffrey Klinger

364  "Prophets and Priests: Argument By and Before the Supreme Court," Arnie Madsen and Robert C. Chandler


370  "The Case for Prudence in Kafka’s Trial," Robert Hairman

374  "Argumentation and Aesthetic Form: Burke and Marxism in the Early Nineteen-Thirties," David Cratis Williams

380  "Arguing About Aesthetics is Living Dangerously: James T. Farrell’s A Note on Literary Criticism," Kathleen M. Farrell


Forensics Pedagogy

388  "The Benefits of Intercollegiate Policy Debate Training to Various Professions," Robert C. Chandler and Jeffrey Dale Hobbs

391  "Intercollegiate Debate as a Co-Curricular Activity: Effects on Critical Thinking," Shawn Whalen

398  "Academic Debate Theory: Its Application to Business English Communication Training in Japan," Shigeru Matsumoto and Takeshi Suzuki

404  "Judge Disclosure and Argument Pedagogy," Jack Rhodes

Format and Forum Innovations in Forensics

406  "Decision Rules: An Analysis of the Interaction Method," Brends Logue and Stephen L. Verch

413  "Intercollegiate Mock Trial as an Alternative Argumentation Event," John McKiernan and Paul Edleman

418  "An Objective Analysis of One Audience Debate," E. Sam Cox, Scott L. Jensen, Christopher Wheeler, and Michael Fulton

NDT and CEDA: Prospects and Problems

423  "Is There a Theoretical Difference Between Debating About Values and Policies?" Brent G. Brossmann and Ben Biermann

430  "Standing Rules of Tournament Procedure," Frank Harrison

436  "Requiem for a Great Idea," James K. Dittus

441  "Debate Philosophy Statements as Predictors of Critic Attitudes," Donald Day and Craig A. Dudczak

Intersections Between Academic Debate and Argumentation Theory

446  "Technical Argument in the Public Sphere: What Academic Debate Tells Us About the Interaction of Spheres of Argument," Robert C. Rowland, Ben Voth, and Jeanettte Brossmann

452  "The Dialectical Meditation of the Public and Technical Sphere: A Revelation of Contemporary Debate Practice," Erik W. Doxtader

458  "The Third Reunion of Argumentation and Debate in the Experiences of Debate Practice," David B. Hingstman

Eighth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1993


pp. "Title,"  Author


McKerrow, Raymie E., ed.  Argument and the Postmodern Challenge.  Annandale VA:  Speech Communication Association, 1993.


Keynote Address

1  "Cultivating Practical Reason: Argumentation Theory in Postmodernity," Joseph W. Wenzel

Keynote Responses

8  "Postmodernity, Cryptonormativism, and the Rhetorical: A Defense of Argument Studies," J. Robert Cox

13  "On Not Rising Above the Fray: Situating Argumentation in the Midst of Postmodernity," Lenore Langsdorf


Debate in Postmodernity

17  "Debate Against Itself: Post-Modernism, Academic Debate, and the Public Sphere," Randall A. Lake and Brooks Haynie

25  "Argument in a Technical Sphere: Incommensurate Rhetorical Visions," Edward M. Panetta and Dale A. Herbeck

31  "Post-Modernism, Argumentation, and Praxis: A Case Study of Academic Debate," Scott L. Harris and Robert C. Rowland

36  "An Archaeology of Argument: Post-Structuralism and Intercollegiate Debate," Robert E. Tucker

Contemporary Debate Theory and Practice

43  "The Parallel Crises in Democracy and Debate," Steven C. Combs

50  "Counterplan Permutations in Contemporary Practice," Lisa Hobbs and Heidi Hamilton

55  "A Research Agenda for the Study of Women in Debate: A Framework and Preliminary Analysis," Ann Johnson and Jon Brushchke

61  "Restraining Whately: An Examination of the Role of Presumption in Risk Analysis," James K. Dittus

65  "A Call to Reduce Forensic Tournament Schedules and the Seasonal Calendar," Robert C. Chandler

69  "Its Time for a Change: A Global Assessment of the State of the Art in NDT Debate," Scott Deatherage and Cori E. Dauber

72  "Debate, Pedagogy, and the Japanses RAM," Richard Fiordo


Exploring the Tensions

76  "Superficial Confrontations," Michael Calvin McGee

79  "Gets a Lifeworld: Some Notes on Dead Ends and Live Possibilities," G. Thomas Goodnight and Thomas B. Farrell

86  "Approaching the Abyss: Argumentation Theory and Postmodernism," David Cratis Williams

91  "Argument Is; Therefore, Arguers Are," Robert L. Scott

97  "Gorgias and his Postmodern Cousins: Toward a Skeptical View of Argument," Warren Sandmann

104  "The End of Modernity and the Ends of Argumentation: A Discourse on the Notion of Advocacy as Rationality," Frank J. Macke

113  "Argumentation and the Reconstitution of Desire: A Lacanian Meditation on Presumption and Ideology," Douglas R. Bruce

119  "Overcoming Fatalism: Rhetoric/Argument in Postmodernity," Raymie E. McKerrow

Feminism and Postmodern Argument

122  "Rhetoric, Postmodernism, and Desire," Barbara Biesecker

124  "Standpoint, Praxis, and Postmodern Argument: A Feminist Dilemma," Margaret D. Zulick

128  "Is the ‘Public’ Sphere of Argument Located in a Gendered Dichotomy?: The Discursive Challenge of Republican Family Values," Carrie Crenshaw

136  "Subaltern Counter Publics and the ‘Paradox of Woman,’" Melissa D. Deem

Theoretical Perspectives

143 "Futuring Traditions: Making Postmodern Judgments," John M. Sloop and Kent A. Ono

149  "Performing with Fragments: Reflections on Critical Rhetoric," Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar

156  "Always Already (Re)covering Postmodernism," Steve Whitson

159  "Responsibilities: Speculations on Rhetoric and the Ethico-Political in Postmodernity," James P. McDaniel

162  "An Enthymematic Approach to Response and a Responsive Approach to Enthymemes," David S. Birdsell

166  "Paul de Man on Rhetoric: Culture Wars and the Collaboration of Theory," Stephen D. O’Leary

176  "On Passionate Reason: Controversy and the Making and Revising of Context," Ronald Walter Greene and Darrin Hicks


179  "Fallacies in a Pragama-Dialectical Perspective," Frans H. van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst

188  "Dissent in Fallacyland, Part I: Problems with van Eemeren and Grootendorst," J. Anthony Blair and Ralph H. Johnson

191  "Dissent in Fallacyland, Part II: Problems with Willard," Ralph H. Johnson and J. Anthony Blair

194  "The Problem of Indirect Communication for Descriptive and Normative Models of Argumentation: Teddy Kennedy Drives off the Bridge of Chappaquiddick," Scott Jacobs


Argument in Decision-Making and Organizing

200  "Paper Training the New Leviathan: Dissensus, Rationality and Paradox in Modern Organizations," Shirley Willihnganz, Joy Hart Seibert and Charles Arthur Willard

206  "Improving Debate in Soft Systems Methodology: Collaborative Argument about Change," Gregg B. Walker and Steven E. Daniels

213  "Argument as a Determinant of Consensus and the Appropriateness of Choices in Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Discussions," Dennis S. Gouran

218  "Using Argumentative Functions to Improve Decision Quality in the Small Group," Sandra Ketrow and Beatrice Schultz

226  "The Dissatisfaction-Argument Link: An Initial Qualitative Analysis of Consumer Complaints," Renee A. Meyers and Dennis E. Garrett

Argument in Interpersonal Relationships

235  "The Effects of Taking Conflict Personally on Arguing Behavior," Dale Hample and Judith M. Dallinger

239  "Fights with Friends and Fights with Lovers: A Comparison of Topics and Maintenance Strategies," Ann House

246  "Argumentation and the Older Person: An Analysis of Unplanned Discourse," K. Jeanine Congalton and Clark D. Olson

252  "Competence Assessments of Interpersonal Argument Structures: An Observational Analysis," Daniel J. Canary and Harry Weger, Jr.


Argument, Political Realism, and Foreign Relations

260  "From Realism to Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International Relations," Robert Hariman, Drake University; Francis A. Beer

267  "From Common Interest to Containment: The Constitutive Power of Kennan’s Long Telegram and ‘X’," Kathleen M. Farrell

271  "The End of the Cold War, and Changing Arguments about Humanitarian Military Intervention," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.

277  "Transforming Ends to Means in Foreign Policy Rhetoric: Lessons from the Carter Administration," Carol Winkler

283  "If Somalia, Why no Bosnia?: Argument Standards for a New World Order," Cori E. Dauber

294  "Crossing the World Order divide in the Persian Gulf," G.R. Boynton and Peggy Dozark

Argument and Political Theory

299  "A Tale of False Friends: Radical Democracy and Rhetoric," Michael Weiler

304  "Prudence and the Problem of Rhetorical Effect in Postmodern American Liberalism: A Prospectus," John Louis Lucaites and Charles Taylor

Argument and the Case of Fukuyama

314  "Rendezvous at the End of History: Francis Fukuyama and Richard Rorty on Liberal-Democratic Politics," Eric M. Gander

321  "The Owl of Minerva and the New World Order," James Arnt Aune

327  "A Realist’s Apologia: Liberalism and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy," David Grassmick

Argument and the Public Sphere

332  ""Greed versus Hope, Self-Interest versus Community: Reinventing Argumentative Praxis in Post-Free Marketplace America," Thomas A. Hollihan, Patricia Riley and James F. Klumpp

340  "A Public Account of Private Actions: The Bush Pardons," Kevin Baaske and Jennifer Huss

345  "Incongruities in the Public/Private Sphers: Implications of the Clinton Presidential Campaign," Greg R. Miller

352  "The Hillary Factor: A First Lady Challenges the Distinction Between Public and Private Spheres," Barbara Pickering

358  "The Constitution of a Pro-Life Public through Non-violent Civil Disobedience: Operation Rescue Marches on Atlanta," Edward M Panetta

364  "Challenging Social and Communication Norms: Oppositional Argument and the Fur Controversy," Kathryn M. Olson and G. Thomas Goodnight

374  "Public Responsibility for Private Acts The Strategic Manipulation of the ‘Public’ in Political Discourse," Dale A Herbeck

Argument and Campaign Practice

379  "Genres in the Rhetorics of Political Ads," John S. Nelson

388  "’If You Want Me to be Your President’: H. Ross Perot’s Strategies of Rhetorical Transcendence," Donn W. Parson

392  "Characterological Argument in Bush’s and Clinton’s Convention Films," Bruce E. Gronbeck

398  "On Being ‘Presidential’: The Quayle-Gore Debate," Robert K. Tiemens, Dennis Alexander and Malcolm O. Sillars

Argument and the Issue of Gay Rights

405 "Public Moral Argument and the Narrative Paradigm: An Analysis of the OCA’s ‘No Special Rights’ Campaign," David Douglass

412  "’Abnormal, Wrong, Unnatural and Perverse’: A Critical Study of the Oregon Citizens Alliance Targeted Tabloids," Scott Aaron Palmer

419  "It Will Happen: Causal Argumentation in Oregon’s Ballot Measure 9 Controversy," Molly Mayhead

423  "Traditional Values: Argument Fields and Serial Arguments of the Yes On 9 Campaign," Judith k. Bowker and Robert Trapp

429  "Examining the Military’s Anti-Homosexual Policy as Value Argument," Ian Fielding

Argument and the New Racism

437  "Arguing Genes: From Jurassic Park to Baby Jessica,"  John Lyne

443  "Visions of Community, Arguments for Solidarity, and the Structure of the New Racist Discourse,"  Ronald Lee

450  "'This is Nothing more than a High Tech Massacre of Indian Culture':  A. I. M. Challenges Racism at the 1991 World Series,"  James Todd Hayes

Argument in Specialized Contexts

455"The Political Foundations of Authority: American Scholarship in a Post-Cold War World," Philip C. Wander

461  "Public Policy Argument and Survivor Testimony: Pro-Ordinance Conservatives, Confession, Mediation and Recuperation," Catherine Helen Palczewski

468  "AIDS, Argument and Catholic Bishops: The Condom Condemnation," Victoria Nelson

476  "The Judge as a Critical Antagonist in a Legal Process: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective," Eveling T. Feteris

481  "Effective Environmental Advocacy and the Question of ‘Hyperreality,’" Michael Bruner and Max Oelschlaeger

Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1995


pp. "Title,"  Author


Jackson, Sally, ed.  Argumentation and Values:  Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.  Annandale VA: Speech Communication Association, 1995.


Keynote Address

1  "Values: Providing Standards for Audience-Centered Argumentation," Malcolm O. Sillars

Keynote Theme Panel: Perspectives on the Audience

7 "Audience in The New Rhetoric and the Formal Appeals," Jeanne Fahnestock

12 "The Constitution of Rhetoric's Audience," Maurice Charland

16 "Audience Argue," Robert L. Scott and Robert A. Brookey

The Functions of Myth in Political Argument

21 "If God Prosper Us: Daniel Webster and the Historical Foundations of American Nationalism," James R. Andrews

28 "Utopia and Desire," James Darsey

36 "Christian Tradition, Jeffersonian Democracy, and the Myth of the Sentimental Family:

An Exploration of the Premises of Social Conservative Argumentation," Ronald Lee and Loren Murfield


Bringing Coherence to the Study of Argument

43 "Writing Home About Argumentation Theory," Frans H. van Eemeren

49 "Striking a Balance Between Monolithic and Idiosyncratic Conceptions of Argument in

Social Science Research on Argument," Dennis S. Gouran

54 "Coherence in Argumentation Studies: Can the Center Hold?" David Zarefsky

60 "Good Centers Do Not Hold, They Rebound," Charles Arthur Willard

Impact of Argument Theory on Policy Arenas

63 "Law, Social Science and the First Amendment," Dale A. Herbeck

71 "Argumentation in Urban Public and Not-for-Profit Management," David S. Birdsell

75 "Technical Sphere Competition in Communication Policy: The Reemergence of the Public Sphere," Carol K. Winkler and Douglas A. Barthlow

79 "Epistemological Pragmatism: Richard Rorty, Liberal Ironism, and the Conduct of Academic Debate," Robert E. Tucker an John C. Day

84 "Scholarship of Argumentation and the Limits of Influence," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr.

Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Study of Argumentation

88 "Argument Quality and Persuasive Effects: A Review of Current Approaches," Daniel J. O'Keefe and Sally Jackson

93 "Multi-State versus Singe-Stage Coding of Small Group Argument: A Preliminary Comparative Analysis," Renee A. Meyers and Dale Brashers

101 "Concord and Controversy: Some Implications of Using Biology and Law as Metaphors for Social Opposition Argument," David M. Cheshier


The National Debate Tournament at 50: In Celebration and Evaluation

114 "The NDT at Fifty: An Intergenerational Perspective," Frank Harrison

119 "The National Debate Tournament at Fifty: Decades of Permanence and Change," Donn W. Parson

122 "The NDT and Information Processing: the Decay of Dialogue," Lee R. Polk

125 "Mirrors: NDT and the Communication Discipline," George Ziegelmueller

Intercollegiate Forensics and the Electronic Information Revolution

128 "The Changing Face of Community: The Impact of Electronic List-Serves on Argument Within the Debate Community," Scott Harris

133 "Arguing Across Spheres: The Impact of Electronic LISTSERVs on Public Sphere Argument," Jeffrey Jarman

139 "The Influence of Electronic Databases on Contemporary Debate Practice: Considerations of Argument Selection, Fiat, and Evidentiary Standards," Ronald Wastyn and Gordon Stables

143 "Electronic Research: The Impact on Arguments in Individual Events," K. Jeanine Congalton and Clark D. Olson

144 "Surfing the Net: Applications of Computer Networks to Competitive Forensics," Arnie Madsen


In Law

152 "Segregation in per se Inequality: The Text of Justice J. Waties Waring," Kathleen M. Farrell

157 "Emmett Till and the Rhetoric of Racial Injustice," William Lewis

164 "Race, Transcendence and Voting Rights: Colorblind Argument in Shaw v. Reno," Carrie Crenshaw and Arthur A. Raney

170 "Feminist Jurisprudence and Legal Structures," Mark B. DeLoach

176 "Definitional Argument: Approaching a Theory," Catherine Helen Palczewski

In Public Discourse and Policy Debate

187 "Arguments from Ignorance in Multicultural Discourse," Michael Weiler

191 "Malthusian World(s): Globalization, Race and the American Imaginary in the Immigration Debates of the Twentieth Century," Ronald Walter Greene

196 "Disassociating Myth and Practice: Pete Wilson's Campaign against Immigration," Greg Miller and Brad Lotterman

204 "And Equality for All: The Foundations of African American Civil Rights Argument," Kirt H. Wilson

213 "Debate as Victim: The Impact of Journalism upon Public Argument in the Memphis Sanitation Strike of 1968," John Bakke and Michael Osborn

219 "Woman as 'Object' in the Welfare Debate: Victims or Scapegoats?" Barbara Pickering

226 "Decorum: The Flight from the Rhetorical," Melissa D. Deem

In Arts & Literature

230 "The Polemicist as Artist: W. E. B. DuBois' 'of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others," Robert Terill and Michael Leff

237 "Re-Fashioning a Reasonable Aesthetic: A Case Study in the Transformation of American Modernalism through Argument in African American Art," Eric K. Watts


The Place of Argument in the National Conversation

242 "Creating Places for Dialogic Argument in the National Conversation," W. Barnett Pearce

250 "Is there a Place for Argument in the 'National Conversation'?: A View from the National Issues Forums," Michael Osborn and Suzanne Osborn

The Public Sphere

254 "Democratizing the Lifeworld of the 21st Century: Evaluating New Democratic Sites for Argument," Patricia Riley, James F. Klumpp, and Thomas Hollihan

261 "The Decline of the Public Sphere of Deliberative Argument: Trials as Public Argument and their Subjugation to the Expediency of the Private Plea Bargaining Process," John C. Day and Robert E. Tucker

267 "Reconsidering Habermas' Conception of Performance," E. Ann Laffoon

274 "No One Has Ever Died from Contradictions': Argumentation in a Rhetorical Lifeworld," Lenore Langsdorf

281 "Rhetoric of <Family Values> and the Public Sphere," Dana Cloud

Crisis Communication

290 "The Origins of Corporate Apologia: Dow Chemical and the Napalm Controversy," Susan Schultz Huxman

296 "The Arrogance and Its Agony: The Importance of Understanding the Argumentative Dimensions of Crisis Communication," W. Timothy Coombs, Robert C. Chandler, and Sherry J. Holladay



302 "Disagreement and Democratic Pluralism," Darrin Hicks

308 "The Aporia of Proceduralism," Brian McGee and Gregory Simerly

314 "Meta-Procedure: The Bases for Challenging the Operative Norms of Argument," Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm

Procedural Designs

321 "Proposals, Rationales, and Criticism in the Engineering Design Process," Barbara J. O'Keefe and Susan Dun

326 "How Should Academics Talk about Ideas?" Karen Tracy

335 "Improving Decision-Making in the Group: Arguing with Constructive Intent," Sandra M. Ketrow and Beatrice Schultz

Case Studies of Argumentative Procedures

344 "The Clayoquot Sound Controversy: News Coverage and Public Deliberation of Environmental Issues," Dan Maher and Scott Jacobs

349 "When Old Social Technologies Meet Modern Problems; The Science Court Model for Managing Expert Disagreement," Mark Aakhus

356 "Non-Expert Expertise: Chronicling the Success of AIDS and Breast Cancer Activists," Charlene Melcher



362 "Storytelling and Judgement in Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem," Mark A. Pollock

371 "Depiction as Argumentative Strategy in Rachel Carson's Silent Spring," Perthenia Eilers

378 "Is the Proof in the Photograph?: Uses of Nineteen Century Reform Photography," Kristin Davis

383 "Are Public Opinion Polls Used Illegitimately? 47% Say Yes," Tyler R. Harrison

389 "What Makes an Argument Scientific?: Using Scientific Standards for Evidence in the Courts," P. Anand Rao

397 "The Evaluation of Scientific Evidence on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill," Terence Check


403 "Roosevelt and Unconditional Surrender: An Analogy that Held," Robert P. Newman

408 "Argument Through Example: An Exploration and Case Study," Ann M. Hartney

413 "The Synecdochic and Metonymic Processes and the Political Image Construct," Arnie Madsen

Argumentative Choice

421 "It's Not My Fault': Argument Strategies for Managing Pregnancy Loss," Nancy J. Legge and Elaine Bass Jenks

430 "The Careful Use of Confrontation," Ann House

434 "Perceiving and Predicting the Tendency to Personalize Arguments," Dale Hample, Judith M. Dallinger, and Janko S. B. Fofana


Argumentation as Constitutive of Society

439 "Identity Arguments in New Social Movement Rhetoric," Susan Whalen and Gerard A. Hauser

447 "Rhetoric, Judgement and the Politics of Incommensurability," John M. Sloop and Kent A. Ono

456 "Criticism as Rational: An Argument from Disciplinary Integrity," Craig Smith

461 "Exhuming Protagoras: Sophistic Argumentation and the Foundations of Rhetorical Theory," Geoffrey D. Klinger

467 "Rhetoric and Cultural Studies: Arguments and Argument-Analogies," James Crosswhite

Close Readings of Lochner v. New York

471 "Presence and Absence in Lochner: Making Rights Real," Eileen A. Scallen

472 "The Argumentative Creation on Individual Liberty," Warren Sandmann

481 "Preaching the Constitution," William Wiethoff

485 "On the Rhetorical Criticism of Judge Posner," James Aune

The Gulf War Debate

489 "Tragic Fear in Rhetorical Republic: American Hubris and the Demonization of Saddam Hussein," Robert L. Ivie

493 "Post-Realism, Just War, and the Gulf War Debate," Francis A. Beer and Robert Hariman

498 "Demonization, Public Opinion, and the Gulf War," J. Michael Hogan

Explaining Inexplicable Belief

501 "Answering Hitler: A Discussion of What Liberals Must Believe About Persuasion," Eric M. Gander

505 "Belief Fixation in the Cold Fusion Conroversy," Philip Thomson


Actions and Requirements

509 "On the Difference Between Assumptions and Presumptions," Fred Kauffeld

515 "'But' as a Marker of Counterargumentative and Concessive Relations," Francisca Snoeck Henkemans

519 "Locating Fallacies and Reconstructing Arguments," Alan Aldrich

525 "The Burden of Going Forward with the Argument: Argumentative Relevance in Pragma-Dialectics," Harry Weger Jr. and Scott Jacobs

532 "Hey, Don't Do That!: The Use of Argument as Social Support at a Crisis Intervention Center," Barry Liss

The Delivery of Public Argument in a Time of Many Media

539 "Unstated Propositions: Relationships Among Verbal, Visual and Acoustic Languages," Bruce E. Gronbeck

543 "How Music and Image Deliver Argument in Political Advertisements on Television," John S. Nelson and G. R. Boynton

550 "Speaking About Dying," Francis A. Beer and G. R. Boynton

557 "Visual Politics: Mythic Persuasion Through Experience in Campaign Advertising on Television," John S. Nelson

Tenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1997


pp. "Title,"  Author


Klumpp, James F., ed.  Argument in a Time of Change:  Definitions, Frameworks, and Critiques.  Annandale VA:  National Communication Association, 1998.


1  "Definitions,"  David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Exploring Argument, Argumentation, and Argumentative Processes: The Nature of Argument

12 'Making Sound Arguments: Would a Claim by Any Other Sound Mean the Same or Argue So Sweet?" G.R. Boyton and John S. Nelson, University of Iowa.

18 "Foundational Thoughts on Informal Logic as a Theory of Argument" Mark Weinstein, Montclair State University

24 "Some remarks on Non-Deductive Argument" Harald Wohlrapp, University of Hamburg, Germany

30 "The Antilogical Alternative" Michael Mendelson, Iowa State University

35 "Rhetorical Invention and the Speaker's Selection of Arguments" Fred J. Kauffeld, Edgewood College

40 "Argument Without Truth? Hannah Arendt on Political Judgement and Public Persuasion" John S. Nelson, University of Iowa

46 "Argument Without Truth? Heidegger on Rhetoric, Logos and the Unconcealment of Being" Susan Zickmund, Augustana College

The Processes of Argument

51 "Rhetorical Rationales for Dialectical Moves: Justifying Pragma-Dialectical Reconstructions" Peter Houtlosser and Frans H. van Eemeren, University of Amsterdam

57 "Rhetorical Ways of Managing Disagreement: Justifying Reconstructions of Confrontation" Peter Houtlosser and Frans H. van Eemeren, University of Amsterdam

63 "Argumentative Candor and Persuasive Success: A Meta-Analysis of the Persuasive Effects of Implicit and Explicit Message Conclusions" Daniel J. O'Keefe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

70 "Deliberation and Character" Jean Goodwin, Northwestern University

Frameworks for Theorizing and Studying Arguments

75 "Reconsidering the Narrative Paradigm: The Implications of Ethos" Paul Turpin, University of Southern California

80 "Polyphony in the Theory of Argumentation in the Language-System: What it is and How it works" Igor Zagar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

85 "Epistemics as New Rhetoric for Modern Times" Joyce Gab Kneeland, Northwestern University

Interpersonal Dimensions of Arguing

90 "Taking Conflict Personally, Solidarity, and Relational Satisfaction: Interrelationships within Arguments" Judith M. Dallinger and Mark Callister, Western Illinois University

97 "The Meaning of Two Cultural Categories: Avoiding Interpersonal Arguments or Cutting them Short" Pamela J. Benoit, University of Missouri, and Dale Hample, Western Illinois University

103 "Processes and Outcomes Related to Non-Rational Argument in Societal Croups" Sandra Ketrow, University of Rhode Island, Renee Meyers, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Beatrice Schultz, University of Rhode Island

Argument in Scholarship

110 "The Crises in Scholarly Argument" Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

116 "The Constituents of Sound Scholarly Argument: An Editor's Perspective' Dennis S. Gouran, The Pennsylvania State University

Studying the Civil Society: Argument's Place: What are the Characteristics of the Civil Society?

138 "Civic Virtue, Civil Society, and the Principle of the Public Sphere" Gerald A. Hauser, University of Colorado, Boulder

144 "Modes of Citizenship and Forms of Deliberation: A Comparative Study" Douglas Gregory Blankenship, Northwestern University

150 "Proceduralist Theories of Public Deliberation: Implications for the Production of Citizens" Darrin Hicks, University of Denver, and Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

156 "Habermas' Between Facts and Norm: The Domains and Logics of Public Argument Given Cultural Globalization" David Cheshier, Georgia State University

163 "Reading the Force of Law in Between Facts and Norms" Douglas Thomas, University of Southern California

Argumentation, Power, and Difference

168 "Rhetorical Ventriloquism: Fantasy and/as American National Identity" Barbara A. Biesecker, University of Iowa

173 "Re-Signing the Opposition: 'Minority Episemololgy' and the Politics of Power" Mark McPhail, University of Utah

179 "Bodies that Argue: Power, Difference and Argument" Catherine Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa

185 "The Rhetorical Perspective on Argumentation and the Question of Effectivity" Ronald Greene, University of Texas at Austin

191 "Transforming the Quest for Meaning; A Case Study in Public Argument" Sandra J. Berkowitz, Joseph P. Zompetti, and Satoru Aonuma, Wayne State University.

Case Studies of Argument and Civility

197 "The Speciousness of Old Rhetoric: Deforming the Sublime" Thomas B. Farrell, Northwestern University

202 "The Dark Side of Community and Democracy: Militias, Patriots and Angry White Guys" Patricia Riley, University of Southern California, James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland, and Thomas A. Hollihan, University of Southern California

Arguments in Public Issues:  Case Studies of Argumentative Strategies in Public Arenas

208 "The Appearance of Argument: Public Space and Public Time in the Documentary Photograph" Cara A. Finnegan, Northwestern University

214 "Audience Matter: How Incomplete Argument Derailed Liberal Claims in the Wake of Oklahoma City" Joe Bellon and Edward Panetta, University of Georgia

220 "Merchants of Death: Persuasive Defenses by the Tobacco Industry" William L. Benoit, University of Missouri, Columbia

226 "Evasive Answers: Reframing Multiple Argumentative Demands in Political Interviews" Leah Polcar and Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona

232 "Journalism, Moderators and Citizens: A Quantitative Assessment of Questions Asked in Presidential Debates" Indra deSilva, Mt. Vernon College and Dale A. Herbeck, Boston College

238 "Not Answering Questions: A Police Chief's Strategies in a Sensationalized Murder" Bob Agne and Karen Tracy, University of Colorado at Boulder

243 "Reflexive Argument: Jeanne d'Arc and Other Victims" Dale Hample, Western Illinois University

Arguments and Issues in the Pursuit of the Humane Society

250 "Rhetoric, the Body, and Civil Society" Gerald A. Hauser, University of Colorado at Boulder

256 "Myths of Blood, Property, and Maternity: Exploring the Public Argumentation of Anti-Adoption Advocates" Ronald Lee and Karen King Lee, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

262 "The Logic of Protection and the Strategy of Normalcy: The (Re)production of Child Sexual Abuse" Jennifer L. Coburn-Engquist, University of Denver

269 "Race Trails: The Rhetoric of Victimage and the Racial Consciousness of 1930's America" William Lewis, Drake University, and John Louis Lucaites, Indiana University

275 "Arguing Ourselves to Death" Warren Sandmann, Mankato State University

280 "Sarah Roberts, Lemuel Shaw, and Nineteenth Century Legal Argumetn" Marouf Hasian, Arizona State University

285 "Public Space and Postmodernity: A Rhetorical Analysis of the State of Illinois Center" Stephen W. Becker, Northwestern University

291 "Pro-Life and Animals Rights Advocacy: An Analogical Assessment of Argumentation Forms Across the Ideological Spectrum" Omar G. Guevara II, Wayne State University

War and Peace

297 "The Fairy Tale and the Tragedy? The Western Metaphors of War in the Persian Gulf and in Bosnia" Riikka Kuusisto, University of Helsinki, Finland

304 "Clean' Bombs and 'Limited' War: Edward Teller's Cold War Arguments" Terence Check, St John's University

310 "The Rhetorical Construction of Reality; 'Overcoming Modernity'" Takeshi Suzuki, Ibaraki University, Japan

316 "The Authority to Address the History of the Bomb: An Examination of the Public Arguments Against Professional Historians and 'The Last Act'" Theodore O. Prosise, University of Southern California

Legal Argument

322 "Feminist Legal Argument and Sears: A Case Study" Theresa Beiner, University of Arkansas, Little Rock

328 "Prudence, Process, or Politics: the Counter-Majoritarian problem and the Nature of Judicial Expertise" James Arnt Aune, Texas A&M University

333 "Identifying Arguments in Courtroom Transcripts" Nina J. Truch and Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona

339 "Maintaining Accountability to Principles of Dialectic in the Oliver North Testimony: Question-Answer Debates in Congressional Hearings" Alan Aldrich, University of Arizona

345 "Split Decisions: Undecidability and the Holdout Juror" Steve Schwarze, University of Iowa, and Chris Kamrath, Northwestern University

350 "Individualism and the Public Sphere? A Case Study in Public Legal Argument" John C. Day, University of Southern California

Goals and Strategies for Educators in Argumentation:  Reconsidering the Argumentation Classroom

356 "Reflective Discourse in a Critical Thinking Classroom" Robert T. Craig, University of Colorado at Boulder

362 "'God, What a Job!' Commitment in the Face of Uncertainty, Alterity, and Dislocation" William Lewis, Drake University

367 "Argumentation and Mediated Content: Understanding Audience Reception and Its Cultural Implications" David M. Cheshier and Carol K. Winkler, Georgia State University

373 "Rethinking the Traditional Debate Model: Florida State University's Argumentation Course" Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University

378 "Putting the Critical Edge Back into Legal and Business Argument: Developing the Specialized Seminar' Kathleen Farrell and David Hingstman, University of Iowa

Preparing Debate for the 21st Century

383 "Transformational Leadership in the 21st Century: The Role of Debate" Pamela L. Stepp, Cornell University

389 "Debate and Situational Frames of Participative Decision-Making: Post-Modernism, Globalism, and the Challenge of Common Ground" Stephen Koch, Capital University

394 "Information Age Consciousness: Technological Challenges to Traditional Advocacy" Ben Voth, Miami University

399 "Technological Requirements of the Debate Director in the 21st Century" Rich Edwards, Baylor University

404 "Professional Requirements of the Debate Director in the 21st Century" Karla K. Leeper, Baylor University

409 "Forensics Budgets and Programs: A Status Report" George Ziegelmueller, Wayne State University

415 "Burnout and Retrofire Along the Forensic Highway" Donn W. Parson, Univesity of Kansas

Teaching Kritiking/Kritiking Teaching

420 "Liberation Pedagogy: Addressing Oppression through Debate Arguments" Brian Lain, University of Iowa

426 "A Terrorist Education: A Response to the Fear of Deconstruction in Educational Debate: Maxwell Schnurer, University of Pittsburgh

430 "Kritiking as Alternative Pedagogy: Another Way In" William Shanahan, University of Texas at Austin


440 "From Identity Crises to Multiple Personalities: Two Decades of the Alta Conference" Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

Eleventh SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1999


pp. "Title,"  Author


Hollihan, Thomas A., ed.  Argument at Century's End:  Reflecting on the Past and Envisioning the Future.  Annandale VA:  National Communication Association, 2000.


1  "The Ethic(s) of Argument and Practical Wisdom" Walter R. Fisher, University of Southern California

16  "Response to the Keynote: The Third Dimension of Argumentation" Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Argumentation Theory

25 "Competence and Consistency in Group Argument: Exploring Communicative Characteristics and Patterns" Renee A Meyers, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Dale E. Brashers, University of Illinois at Urbana, Lisa Bradford, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and Tara Wachtel, Hatch Staffing Services of Milwaukee

40 "The Theoretical Adequacy of the Argument-Centered Perspective on Decision Making and Problem Solving in Groups" Dennis S. Gouran, Pennsylvania State University

50 "Practical Reasoning in Organizations: Perelman's Universal and Particular Audiences" Helen Constantinides, University of Minnesota

57 "Presence and Healthy People 2010: Inciting Adherence in U.S. Public Health" Margaret Hamilton, University of Minnesota

64 "'The Issue' as a Metadiscursive Object in Some Student-led Classroom Discussions" Robert T. Craig, University of Colorado

74 "On the Structure of Argument in Facilitated Classroom Discussions" Heidi L. Muller, University of Colorado

83 "The Role of Involvement and Agreement of Message Evaluations Made by ordinary Arguers" Stacy L. Wolski, Leah H. Polcar, Norah E. Dunbar, and Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona

95 "Procedure and Practice" Sally Jackson and Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona

101 "A Dialectical Perspective on Argument: Wenzel Meets Schopenhauer" Dale Hample, Western Illinois University

109 "Counterexamples by Conjunctions & Counterexamples by Analogy: Some overlooked Logically Significant Differences" Claude Gratton, University of Nevada at Las Vegas

114 "Arguing About Words: Nitpicking or Necessary?" Karen Tracy, University of Colorado

123 "From Bridge to Barrier: The Evolution of Loaded Symbols in a School Board Diversity Debate" Catherine Ashcraft, University of Colorado

Argument and Identity

133 "Argumentation and Identity: A Critique of the 'Culture' Premise in the Transracial Adoption Controversy" Ronald Lee and Karen King Lee, University of Nebraska at Lincoln

143 "Frameworks for Russian Identity: Arguing the Past, Defining the Future" Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University

151 "Relations of Argument and identity: Making the Transcendental Turn." David B. Hingstman, University of Iowa

160 "Radical Argument and National Identity: Setting an Agenda for Reconsidering the American Radical Tradition." Wade Davis and Kathleen Farrell, University of Iowa

169 "Limit Work as Rhetorical Criticism: The Critical Analysis of State Character" M. Lane Bruner, Babson College

178 "Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners and the Conventions of Historical Argument." Michael Weiler, Emerson College

186 "Whose Religion is it? 'The Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality' as a Source of Culture Clash." J. Skiles, University of Iowa

193 "Playing Indian With Blood: Constructing the Nation on the Body of the Other." William C. Trapani III, University of Iowa

202 "Argument from Widowhood: A Capitulation to the Patriarchy or an Example of Feminist Argumentation" Linda Diane Horwitz, Hamilton College

209 "Reproducing Citizens: National Body (Building) and Public Pregnancies in US Sport Culture" Kyra Pearson, University of Iowa

218 "Militarization and Minority Bodies: Analyzing the Public Argument Surrounding Combat Integration and the Quest for 'Equality'." Kathryn A. Cady, University of Iowa

Visual Argument

227 "Vulnerable Bodies and Projections of National Citizenship: The Iconic Personhood of John H. Glenn" Jeffrey R. Sens, University of Iowa

235 "Darkening O.J.: Visual Argument in Controversy" Cara A. Finnegan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

244 "Image Events and Argumentative Practice: The Case of Radical Ecology" Kevin M. DeLuca, University of Georgia, and John W. Delicath, University of Cincinnati

253 "Visual Images as (opposed to?) Reason: The Argument of Eclipse of reason" Barb Pickering, James Madison University, and Randall Lake, University of Southern California

262 "Argument by Mood in War Movies: Postmodern Ethos in Electronic Media" John S. Nelson, University of Iowa

270 "A View of Billboard Liberation as a Case Study in Visual Rebuttal" Shannon Skarphol Kaml, University of Minnesota

278 "From Bacon to Bacon: Man in a Blue Box, An Aesthetic Turn in Rhetoric" Robert L. Scott, University of Minnesota

286 "Aversion to and a Version of the Democratic Aesthetic" Robert Hariman, Drake University

294 "Cubist Tendencies: Scott's Turn to the Aesthetic is a (Re)turn to Ethics" Robert Alan Brookey, Stonehill College

Argument Pedagogy

300 "Debating Both Sides: Argument Pedagogy and the Production of the Deliberative Citizen." Darin Hicks, University of Denver and Ronald Walter Greene, University of Texas at Austin

308 "Debate as Cultural Performance: An Alternative Form to Competitive Debate" Takeshi Suzuki Tsuda College, and Junya Morooka, Kanda University of International Studies

316 "The Absence of Dialogue: An Assessment of Argument Theory in Argument Composition Texts." Michael Mendelson and Neil Lindeman, Iowa State University

325 "Habermas and Debate Theory: A Putative Link between the Theory of Communicative Action and Traditional Resolutional Typologies" Scott Stroud, University of the Pacific

334 "Thick Pedagogy, Or Substantive Discourse on the Teaching of Argument" Michael Mendelson, Iowa State University

Civil Society

341 "Defining 'Public Character': Agency and the Ethical Criticism of Public Argument." Stephen A. Klien, Boston University

351 "The Materials of Transition: Reconciliation and Reparations in Contemporary South Africa." Erik W. Doxtader, i999-2000 MacArthur Foundation-Social Science Research Council

361 "Beyond Dialogue: Linking the Public and Political Sphere." James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland, Patricia Riley and Thomas A. Hollihan, University of Southem California

369 "Prophecy as Argument: A Haunting vision of America's Future." Eric M. Gander, Baruch College

Rhetoric and Politics

376 "Redefining Nuclear Expertise: General George Lee Butler's Arguments for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons." Theodore O. Prosise, University of Southern California

386 "Identity, Self-Determination and 'None of the Above'& An Analysis of the 1998 Puerto Rican Status Vote." Catherine Helen Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa, and David Cratis Williams, University of Puerto Rico

394 "Televised Party Leaders and Presidential Candidate Debates in Sweden and the United States" Erik Asard, Uppsala University of Sweden, and Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

403 "'The Moral Equivalent of War': Jimmy Carter's Use of Metaphor and Mortification in the Energy Speech of April 18, 1977" Terence Check, St. John's University

411 "Debate Strategies Then and Now: A Comparative Analysis of Two Women Candidates" Judith S. Trent, Amy M. Schmisseur, and Gay E. Gauder, University of Cincinnati

Argument and Public Policy

419 "Imagining Others in Public Policy Debate: The Case of the 1981 AFDC Budget Debates" Robert Asen, University of Wisconsin at Madison

427 "Evaluating Conspiracy Arguments: The Case of the Texas Annexation Controversy" Michael William Pfau and David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

436 "Constructing National Bodies: Public Argument in the English-Only Movement" Lisa A. Flores, University of Utah

446 "Equality and the Public Moral Code: Argument and the Affirmative Action Debate" Kevin T. Baaske, California State University at Los Angeles

454 "The Marketplace in the Marketplace: Another Look at First Amendment Rights in Shopping Malls" Mark B. DeLoach, University of North Texas

461 "Not for All Queers: The Internal Controversy over Same-Sex Marriage" Tom Burkhart, University of Iowa

Argument in Foreign Policy Deliberations

469 "In Defense of Democracy: American Representations of Emerging Democracies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union" Gordon W. Stables and Edward Panetta, University of Georgia

478 "The Globalization Debate: Comparing Cross-Cultural Perspectives" Carol Winkler, Georgia State University

Argument and the Law

487 "Antebellum Courtroom Argument: Institutionalizing the Bar between Advocate and Audience" Terence S. Morrow, Gustavus Adolphus College

496 "Legal Argument in Eighteenth-Century England: Clearing the Bar" Lisa A. Perry, Minnesota State University at Mankato

503 "Do It Yourself Law: Closing the Bar to Advocate?" Warren Sandmam, Minnesota State University at Mankato

Argument in Time of Crisis

511 "Not in our Neighborhood: Racial Bias in the Littleton Tragedy" Rebecca Opsata, University of Southern California, and Greg Achten, Pepperdine University

520 "Tbe Columbine Shootings: The Trajectory of Argumentative Responses" K. Jeanine Congalton, California State University at Fullerton, and Patricia M. Ganer, Cypress College

528 "Scapegoating, Transcendence, Mortification, and Forgiveness: Compensatory Arguments of Blame after Littleton," Robert C. Chandler, Pepperdine University, Jeffrey Dale Hobbs, Abilene Christian University, Anthony S. King, Pepperdine University, and Charles Walts, Abilene Christian University

537 "Attribution Theory as an Explanation for School Violence Responses: The Case of Littleton" Christina M. Sabee, Northwestern University

Argument and Collective Memory

544 "Trauma, Collective Memory, and the Receding Past: Cultural Reillusionment through the 'Good War'" Peter Erenhaus, Pacific Lutheran University

553 "The Great War as Civil War: Rhetorics of Memory in Gone with the Wind" Susan Owen, University of Puget Sound

562 "In Defense of the National Air and Space Museum's initial Enola Gay Display" Marouf Hasian, Jr., University of Utah

Argument and the Implications of New Technologies

570 "The Colonization of the Internet: Partial Logic and the Evisceration of the First Amendment" Robert E. Tucker, California State University at Long Beach

578 "Internet and New Technologies: New Challenges for the First Amendment' Michael S. Overing, Attorney at Law

585 "The Worldview of WorldView" Francis A. Beer, University of Colorado at Boulder, and G. R. Boynton, University of Iowa

Twelfth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2001


(vol.) pp. Author, "Title," 


Goodnight, G. Thomas, ed.  Arguing Communication and Culture.  Washington:  National Communication Association, 2002.


(I) 1  Catherine Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa, "Argument in an Off-Key"

Directions of Research in Argumentation: A Symposium

(I) 24 Fred J. Kauffeld, Edgewood College, "The Priority of Normative Interests in Argumentation Theory"

(I) 32 David Zarefsky, Northwestern University, "Directions for Research in Argumentation Theory"

(I) 40 Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona, "Fallacies in Argumentation"

(I) 46 Kathleen Farrell, University of Iowa, "Reacquainting Theory and Practice: Musings on an Agenda for Research"

(I) 51 Edward Schiappa, University of Minnesota, "Sophisticated Modernism and the Continuing Importance of Argumentation on Evaluation"

(I) 59 Jean Goodwin, Northwestern University, "We Should be Studying the Norms of Debate"

(I) 67 Frans H.van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser, University of Amsterdam, "Fallacies as Derailments of Strategic Maneuvering"

Spotlight on Cultural/Critical Studies of Argument

(I) 76 Kent Ono, University of California, Davis, "Guilt without Evidence: Informal Citizenship and the Limits of Rationality in the Case of Wen Ho Lee"

(I) 89 Barbara Biesecker, University of Iowa, "From the Public Sphere to Public Culture, or, a Case Study in Why Argument Studies is Not Enough, or, William Jefferson Clinton and the Postmodern Primal Horde"

(I) 97 Ron Greene, University of Minnesota, "Abstraction/Translation/Materiality: The Cultural Dilemmas of Deliberative Democracy"



(I) 104 Darrin Hicks, University of Denver, "Reasonableness, Political Not Epistemic"

(I) 113 Lenore Langsdorf, University of Southern Illinois, "Reasonable Voices: Constituting What's Reasonable in Communicative Interaction"

(I) 122 Frans H. van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser, "A Procedural View of Critical Reasonableness"


(I) 129 Robert Asen, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Markets and Democracy: U.S. Debates over Trade with China"

(I) 137 Gordon Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh, "Spectacular Warfare"

(I) 145 Shirley Willinghanz, Joy L. Hart & Charles A. Willard, University of Louisville, "Valuing Dissensus, Message Design Logic, and Compelling Organizational Demands"

(I) 153 Rachel Avon and Randy Hirokawa, University of Iowa, "The Rhetorical Limits of the Precautionary Principle as a Basis for Argumentation"

(I) 161 David Depew, University of Iowa, "Genetic Altered Crops, Ecological Irreversibility, and the Precautionary Principle"

(I) 167 Joanna Ploeger, University of Iowa, "'Try to See It My Way': Competing Interpretations of "Precaution" in the Discourse and Performance of Risk Management in the National Laboratory System"


Gendered Argument

(I) 176 Janice M. Norton, Arizona State University, "'B' Science Fiction Films of the 1950s and "The New Breed of Woman" and Her Cold War(rior)"

(I) 183 Dale Herbeck, Boston College, "Lyndon Johnson and the Level Playing Field: Sports Metaphors in the Affirmative Action Debate"

(I) 192 Christopher Alexis Paul, University of Minnesota, "HyperFeminism and Intimacy on the World Wide Web"

Forensics: Stases of Exclusion and Inclusion

(I) 198 Ben Voth, Miami University, "What is Missing? Deconstructing the Spaces and Traces of Policymaking Critiques"

(I) 205 Jeffrey. W. Jarman, Wichita State University & K. M. McDonald, Arizona State University, "Invitation Declined: A Response to Intercollegiate Debate as Invitational Rhetoric"

(I) 212 Sarah Taylor Partlow & Robert C. Rowland, University of Kansas, "Argument as a Purpose-Oriented Genre: A Feminist Defense of Argument and Debate"

(I) 219 Irene P. Faass, Iowa State University, "Shades of Gray: Alternative Metaphors for Argumentation"

(I) 222 Takuzo Konishi, Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan, "Kritik: Implications for Dialectical Obligations"

(I) 228 Edward Panetta, University of Georgia, "Living the Land-Grant: The Rural Service and Outreach Mission for Policy Debate"

(I) 236 Carrie Crenshaw and Enslen Lamberth, University of Alabama, "The Tuscaloosa Debate League: An Inclusive and Diversified Program for the Future of Policy Debate"


Rhetoric, Social Science and Public Argument

(I) 243 Karen Tracy, University of Colorado, Boulder, "Rhetorically-Informed Discourse Analysis: Methodological Reflections"

(I) 251 Shannon Davis, Christina Standerfer and Amy Grim, University of Colorado, Boulder, "Negotiating Social Orders: A Case for Exploring the Relationships between Rhetorical Criticism and Critical Social Science in the Analysis of Public Argument"

Quarrels, Discussions & Ideals

(I) 260 Kati Hannken-Illjes, Martin-Luther-Universitat, Germany, "Appropriateness and Argumentation Competence"

(I) 267 Ruth J. Cronje, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, "The Potential for Rationality: Rhetoric as Communicative Action"

(I) 274 Heidi L. Muller, University of Colorado, Boulder, "Teaching through Discussion: Three Relationships between Argument and Discussion"

(I) 285 Judith Dallinger and Dale Hample, University of Western Illinois, "The Image of the Ideal Argument"

Everyday Communicative Behaviors and Decision-Making

(I) 292 Dennis S. Gouran, The Pennsylvania State University, "Forms of Argument as Related to Appropriateness and Group Decisions"

(I) 302 Sandra K. Ketrow and Alyson Arnold, University of Rhode Island, "Expanding the Theoretical Domain of Argument 1 and Argument 2: Emotional Competence, Interpersonal Sensitivity, and Argumentativeness"

(I) 311 Geoff B. Leatham, University of Rhode Island, "Relational Differences as Grounds for Interpreting Supportive Interactions"

Concepts in Argumentation Theory

(I) 319 Leah E. Polcar and Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona, "The Role of Doubt and the Place of Ethos in Dialectical Models"

(I) 326 Claude Gratton, University of Nevada, "Exploring the Logic of Counterexamples by Analogy and Informal Forms of Arguments"

(I) 335 Daniel Cohen, Colby College, "Arguments and Metaphors"

(I) 343 Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, and Bert Meuffels, University of Amsterdam, "The Unreasonableness of the Ad Baculum Fallacy"

Volume II


The First Amendment Religion Clauses

(II) 351 David C. Gore, Texas A & M University, "Reynolds v. U.S. and the Dissociation of Religious Belief and Practice"

(II) 360 Catherine L. Langford, The Pennsylvania State University, "Mediating Religion and Justice: Antonin Scalia's Non-Interpretivist Approach to the Religion Clauses"

(II) 371 Lee Fortner, The Pennsylvania State University, "Justice Black and "Plain Meaning": Reconciling the Overdetermination and Indeterminacy of Language"

(II) 379 Benjamin Henderson, The Pennsylvania State University, "Content v. Conduct: Reinterpreting Religious Speech in the Work Place"

(II) 388 Katie Gibson, The Pennsylvania State University, "A Woman's Choice? The Supreme Court's Negotiations of the Abortion Controversy"

"Poor Joshua": Law, Social Work & Popular Understanding in DeShaney v. Winnebago Country DSS

(II) 395 David Hingstman, University of Iowa, "Law and Legal Reason in DeShaney"

(II) 403 William Lewis, Drake University, "Essential Tensions in the "Constitution" of Community: The Case of DeShaney v. Winnebago Department of Social Services"

Assassinations, Drugs and School Shootings

(II) 410 Dana Cloud and Sharon Jarvis, University of Texas, Austin, "Acts of Madness or Protest? The Therapeutic De-Politicization of Political Assassination Attempts in News Coverage, 1973 to Present"

(II) 422 Kristen Hoerl, University of Texas, Austin, "Pain and Public Deliberation: Citizens, Victims, Advocates, Activists"

Law, Technology and Argument

(II) 428 Brian M. O'Connell, Central Connecticut State University, "The Public and the Private within the UCITA Debate"

(II) 434 Warren Sandmann, Minnesota State University, Mankato, "The Man with Two Faces: Arguing Over the Rhetorical Construction of Bill Gates"

(II) 440 Donald Fishman, Boston College, "New Technologies and Legal Arguments: The Napster Case, MP3 Files and an Emerging Copyright Paradigm for the Digital Era"


National Identity

(II) 447 Donald Fishman, Boston College, "Joseph R. McCarthy: Historiography and Rhetorical Strategies Revisited"

(II) 455 Thomas B. Farrell, Northwestern University, and Thomas J. Roach, Purdue University, "Cold War Argument and Its Resilience; on the Inversion of Social Knowledge"

(II) 463 Tomoko Ozawa and Takeshi Suzuki, Tsuda College, Japan, "Wartime Racist Arguments: The Rhetoric of 'Military Necessity'"

(II) 470 David C. Williams, University of Missouri, Rolla, Marilyn Young and Michael Launer, Florida State University, "The New/Old Russian National Symbols as Arguments for Identity Transformation: 'Reviving Ghosts is a Tricky Business'"

Culture Wars and Democratic Dilemmas

(II) 479 Randall Lake, University of Southern California, and Barbara Pickering, University of Nebraska, Omaha, "The Anti(Abortion) Public Sphere"

(II) 487 Ronald Lee, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and Robert Patterson, James Madison University, "The Genealogy of Social Conservative Argumentation: Demonstrating the Family Resemblance among Three Influential Discourses"

(II) 496 Valeria Fabj, Lynn University, and Matthew J. Sobnosky, William & Mary, "Science, Knowledge, and the Public Good: Hierarchies of Interest and Expansion of the Public Sphere"

Contesting the Presidential Election 2000

(II) 503 Bruce Gronbeck, University of Iowa, "The Status of Sentimental Arguments for Public Policies: The Love-Ins at the 2000 National Party Conventions"

(II) 512 Rebecca Opsata, University of Southern California, "Boxers, Briefs, and Oprah: The 2000 Presidential Candidates and Non-Traditional Media"

(II) 520 Elisia Cohen, University of Southern California, "The Rhetoric of the Recount: Political Legitimacy, Voters, and the Machines"

(II) 530 Craig A. Dudczak, Syracuse University, "The Seminole and Martin County Contests: Florida Presidential Election 2000"

(II) 537 David Zarefsky, Northwestern University, "The Structure of Argumentation in Bush v. Gore"

The Internationalization of Public Deliberation

(II) 546 Carol Winkler, Georgia State University, "Arguing from the Public in Foreign Policy Decision-Making: The Reagan Administration and U.S. Terrorism Policy"

(II) 553 Karla Leeper, Baylor University, "The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Revisioning International Security"

(II) 561 David Cheshier, Georgia State University, "Virtual Democracy Promotion and Its Implications for Legitimated Public Argument"


Globalizations of Argument

(II) 571 John S. Nelson and G. R. Boyton, University of Iowa, "Arguing War: Global Television Against American Cinema"

(II) 578 James Klumpp, University of Maryland, Thomas Hollihan and Patricia Riley, University of Southern California, "Globalizing Argument Theory"

(II) 587 James Pickett, Marian College, "The Intentional Tourist: Moral Argument in Friedman's Lexus and the Olive Tree"

(II) 592 Vadim Goloubev, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, "Argumentation Dialogue in the American Newspaper: An Interdependence of Discourse, Logical and Communicative Aspects"

(II) 601 Geoffrey Klinger, University of Utah, and Kevin Klinger, University of Cincinnati, "From Ideology to Imagology: Developing an Architecture of Argumentation"

Contemporary Film

(II) 613 Karen Rasmussen and Karran Moss, California State University, Long Beach, "The Western Meets Film Noir: The Argumentative Terrain of Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver"

(II) 621 Emily Plec, University of Utah, "The Trauma of Multiculturalism: Ethic and National Memory Practices in the Japanese American National Museum"

(II) 628 Jennifer Asenas and Kevin Johnson, California State University, Long Beach, "Traditional and Subversive War Mythology as Terministic Screens"

(II) 635 Jan Schuetz, University of New Mexico, "Moral Reasoning and Dead Man Walking"

Acts of Remembrance

(II) 643 Mike Sugimoto, University of Puget Sound, "Traumatic Modernity: Contested Sites of National Memory in Saving Private Ryan, Afterlife, and Rashomon"

(II) 652 P. Ehrenhaus, Pacific Lutheran and A. Susan Owen, University of Puget Sound, "Disciplining Popular Historians: Stone, Spielberg, and the Crisis of Public Memory"

(II) 661 Brian Lain, University of Iowa, "Signifyin(g) Civil Rights and Black Power: Contemporary Implications of Historical Representation"

(II) 668 Jon Wiebel, University of Iowa, "Putting It Into Plain English: Immigrant Desires and the Cleansing of Trauma in the Search for a National Language"

(II) 673 Terence Morrow, Gustavus Adolphus College, "The Diminished State of Argument Before the U.S. Supreme Court"

Thirteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2003



Willard, Charles Arthur, ed.  Critical Problems in Argumentation.  Washington:  National Communication Association, 2005.

pp. Author, "Title," 


1 Thomas B. Farrell, Northwestern University, "Rhetoric as the Middle Voice in Public Argumentation"

18 Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, "Articulation by Argumentation: Implications of an Ontological Assumption, and a Respecifying Proposal"

Arguments about Science in the Public Sphere

38 Susan Sattell, Northwestern University. "A 'Deep View' of Agricultural Biotechnology: Recovering Ethos in the Controversy over Genetically Engineered Crops"

49 Eric Gander, Baruch College, CUNY. "Writing on The Blank Slate: Steven Pinker and the Rhetoric and Politics of Human Nature"

60 Jacob Thompson and Matthew Gerber, University of Kansas. "Public Deliberation and Debate About Global Warming: A Test of the Liberal Public Sphere"

Preemptive War Doctrine: Origins and Argumentative Entailments

68 Carol Winkler, Georgia State University, "Preemptive War Doctrine: Early Formulations in U.S. Terrorism Doctrines"

75 Gordon Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh, "Team B Wins Again: Competitive Intelligence Assessment in the Bush National Security Strategy"

87 Takeshi Suzuki and Aya Niitsuma, Tsuda College, Japan, "Argumentative Analysis of President Bush's War Against Terrorism After 9/11"

Rhetoric, Circulation, and the Social Imaginaries of Publics

94 Lynn Clarke, Vanderbilt University, Rhetorical Episodes in Public Controversy and the Generative Moments of Concluding: A Preliminary Engagement with Psychoanalytic Dialogue

102 Kevin Cummings, Regis University, "Argumentation in the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act: An Inquiry into the Logic of Security"

Normative Principles in Argumentation

109 Steven C. Combs, Loyola Marymount University, "The Dao of Argumentation"

Expanding the Boundaries of Argument: Women, Argument and Rhetoric in the Field of the Visual

117 Joan Faber McAlister, University of Iowa, "The Savvy Victim: Cyberporn, Girls, and the Status of the Child as Sexual Subject"

124 Janice Norton, Arizona State University, "Inventing an Artist: Lee Krasner and the Visual Effect 'Jackson Pollack'"

Critical Reflections on the Aesthetic Turn in Argumentation

130 Darrin Hicks, University of Denver, "The Coagulation of Sentiment: Redrawing the Borders between Reasonableness and Common Sense"

136 Jayson Harsin, Northwestern University, "Avant-garde art/argument, Spectacular art/argument: the Challenge to the Challenge of Avant-Garde Argument"

144 Ronald Walter Greene, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, "The Aesthetic Turn and the Value of Labor: Rethinking Citizenship for a Global Economy"

Tropes and Topoi: Revisiting Theory in Controversies

151 Hiroko Okuda, Akita National University, "Dramatism in the Reconstruction of Afghanistan: Consubstantiality in Junichairo Koiszumi's 'Starting from Scratch…. Again'"

159 Edward Panetta, Ryan Galloway, and Donald L. Rubin, University of Georgia, "Just Enjoy Another Smoke: The Use of Redefinition by the Tobacco Industry in Response to Public Health Reports"

166 Krisin Hoerl, University of Texas at Austin, "Public Argument as Self-Preservation: A Critique of Argumentation Theory as a Democratic Practice"

The Argumentative Fields of Popular Culture

173 Lisa R. Foster, University of Texas at Austin, "Deliberating through Spectacle and Existing in Spite of It: A Critical Analysis of the Problematic of Privateness in Televised Public Spheres"

180 Katherine Purvis, Wayne State University, "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Discourse: A Critical Analysis of Discourse Strategies for Science"

187 David Grindstaff, Georiga State University, "Sodomy Laws and Rhetorical Secrets: The Social Construction of Privacy in Lawrence v. Texas"

Argument Quality

194 Dennis S. Gouran, Pennsylvania State University, "Shifting the Frame for Viewing Rational Choice in Decision-making and Problem-Solving Groups"

203 David R. Seibold and Daisy R. Lemus, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Argument Quality in Group Deliberation: A Structurational Approach and Quality of Argument Index"

215 Daniel J. O'Keefe, University of Illinois, "News for Argumentation from Persuasion Effects Research: Two Cheers for Reasoned Discourse"

222 Kati Hannken-Illjes, Martin Luther University, "Under an Umbrella: A Model of Interpersonal Argumentative Competence"

Emotions as Reasons in Public Argument

230 John S. Nelson, University of Iowa, "Voice and Music in Political Telespots: Emotions as Reasons in Public Arguments"

238 Kathryn Olson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, "Evaporation Symbols in Argument: Emotional Dispersion via a Goldwater Campaign Film"

246 Francis Beer, University of Colorado, and G.R. Boynton, University of Iowa, "Globalizing Sympathy"

Magic, Argument, and Popular Culture

252 Jennifer Asenas, University of Texas at Austin, and Karen Rasmussen, California State University, Long Beach, "Magic and Argument in Ana Castillo's So Far from God"

261 Andrew Burgess, University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, "Cross-Argumentation and Magic in E. Nesbit's Five Children and It"

268 Kevin A Johnson, University of Texas at Austin, "Kenneth Burke and the Rhetorical Magic of The Eminem Show"

275 Janice Schuetz, "Cultural Reasoning and Magic in Skinwalkers"

Testing a Liberal Theory of the Public Sphere

281 Robert Rowland, University of Kansas, "A Liberal Theory of the Public Sphere"

288 Debra Ford, University of Kansas, "Prism Analysis of the Debate Over the American Medical
Association's Health Access America Plan"

296 Jeffrey W. Jarman, Wichita State University, "Talk About Cheap Drugs or Cheap Talk About Drugs? Public Deliberation on a Prescription Drug Benefit"

303 Kelly Michael McDonald, Arizona State University, and Sarah Taylor Partlow, Idaho State University, "Guerilla Girls in Intercollegiate Debate: Testing the Liberal Model of the Public Sphere"

Others, Argument, and History

311Joseph C. Delfin, University of Memphis, "Sex, Science and Suffrage: Constructing Female Inferiority in Physical Anthropology"

319 Catherine Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa, "Picturing Public Argument Against Suffrage: 1909 Anti-Suffrage Postcards"

328 Kevin Baaske, California State University, Los Angeles, "Race, Meaning and Substance: An Analysis of Arguments Over the Government's Use of Racial Classifications"

Theoretical Issues and Models

337 J. Anthony Blair, University of Windsor, "A Time for argument theory integration"

345 Frans van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser University of Amsterdam, "More about an Arranged Marriage"

356 Lilian Bermejo Luque, Universidad de Murcia, Spain, "Dealing with Enthymemes"

362 Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona, "Two Models of the Rational Conditions for Disagreement in Argumentative Dialogue"

Order in the Court! Exploration of Factors Shaping the Course of Legal Argumentation

370 David B. Hingstman, University of Iowa, "Politicized Trials and Forensicated Deliberation: Hybrid Argument Practices in the Trial of the Chicago 8"

377 Carlo A. Pedrioli, University of Utah, "The Heightened Standard of Judicial Review in Cases of Governmental Gender-Based Discrimination: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Influence on the U.S. Supreme Court in Craig v. Boren"

Globalization and Public Argument

385 James Klumpp, University of Maryland, Patricia Riley and Thomas Hollihan, University of Southern California, "War and Memory: Arguments in a Global Age"

395 James R. Pickett, Monmouth University, "The Whole World is Shopping: Global Exchange's Moral Argument in the Globalization Debates"

401 Gordon Stables and Craig Hayden, University of Southern California, "The Rhetorical Dimension of Public Diplomacy"

Beyond the Looking Glass: Envisioning the Future of Forensic Practices

409 Ryan K. Clark, University of Memphis and Brian R. McGee, Spalding University, "The Effects Topicality Argument in Parliamentary Debate"

416 Ben Voth, Miami University, "State of the Art: A Survey of Technology and Debate Practice in the
21st Century"

422 John Rief, Kevin Cummings, and Johanna Cummings, Regis University, "Inclusion in Parliamentary Debate: A Critique of the Logic of Abstraction"

428 Claude Gratton, Antelope Valley College, "Student Beliefs That are Obstacles to Critical Thinking Dispositions and Motivations"

Reconsidering the Rhetoric of Social Protest: Argument Visualized, Corporealized, Remembered and Displayed

434 Brian Lain, University of North Texas, "Remembering Protest, Protesting Memory: The Histories and Uses of Japanese American Internment Resistance"

443 William Trapani, Wayne State University, "The Politics of the Swarm: Theorizing the New Face of Public Protest"

Patterns in Argument

451 Harry Weger, Jr., Indiana University Southeast, "Reconstructing Relationship Meaning in Arguments Between Intimates: Toward a "Relationship Negotiation" Dialogue Type"

459 Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University, "Databases, Argumentation, and Common-Sense"

466 Leah E. Polcar, Univ. of Amsterdam, "The Problem of Evasion in Question-Answer Argumentation: Are Evasive Responses Fallacious or Strategic Communication?"

473 Tim Behme, University of Minnesota, "The Status Symbol of Rhetoric"

The Argumentative Burdens of Media Culture

480 Kathryn Cady, University of Iowa, "Labor, Class, and the Equal Rights Amendment Controversy"

487 Bruce Gronbeck, University of Iowa, "The Visual/Visuality Dichotomy in Argument Studies"

496 Brett Ommen, Northwestern University, "Iconic Visual Argument and the Potential for a Visual Dialectic"

Publicity and Pedagogy: Reflections on Public Debate Praxis

503 Jane Munksgaard and Damien Pfister, University of Pittsburgh, "The Public Debater's Role in Advancing Deliberation: Towards Switch-Sides Public Debate"

510 Shawn Batt, University of the Pacific and David Schulz, California State University, Stanislaus, "Design Principles for Competitive Debate Formats"

518 Heidi L. Muller, University of Northern Colorado, "Looking for Argument in Collegiate Classroom Discussion: Avoidance, Challenge, Focus"

The Boundaries of Dialectic

526 Margaret D. Zulick, Wake Forest University, "Dialectic, Analytic and Rhetoric: Between Norms and Phenomena"

537 Jamie L. Doyle, University of Texas at Austin, "Deception and Dialectic: The Pseudo-Scientific Rhetoric of Holocaust Denial"

545 Tim Steffensmeier, University of Texas at Austin, "Images and Dialectic: Arguments Employing a Visual Trump Card"

552 Jeffrey Hall, University of Southern California, "'Dark Alliance'as Conspiracy Theory: Normative Constraints and Their Discursive Effects"

Empirical and Methodological Studies

560 Colleen M. Keough, and Randall A. Lake. University of Southern California, "The Public as Disputant: Argumentation Styles and Consumer Arbitration"

568 Dale Hample, Western Illinois University, "Argument Frames: An Initial Investigation into Operationalizations"

577 Amy Janan Johnson, Kenneth Brown & Elaine Wittenberg, University of Oklahoma, "Type of Argument and Argument Composition"

587 Shinobu Suzuki, Hokkaido University, "Analyzing Structural Features of Informal Argument"

Pot Pourri! Wide-Ranging Studies of Rhetoric and Argument

598 Joyce Gab Kneeland, Northwestern University, "Rhetoric and the Wireless Revolution"

605 Neil H. Mansharamani, University of Maryland, "The Presidential Campaign Communication of Vice-Presidents: So Close and Yet So Far"

616 Randall Iden, Northwestern University, "Process Rationality: The Rhetorical Role of the Third Party Mediator"

622 Dana Cloud, University of Texas at Austin, "The Necessity of Argument: Heterodoxy and Image during the 2003 Iraq War"

632 Charles Arthur Willard, Joy L. Hart, and Shirley Willihnganz, University of Louisville, "Picture This: Seeking a Critical and Analytical Language for Imagery in Argumentation Argument and Subjectivity"

Argument and Subjectivity

639 Robert Asen University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Notes on a Discourse Theory of Citizenship"

647 Barbara Biesecker, University of Iowa, "Popular Memory and National Renewal: Feminism and the Cultural Politics of World War II"

654 Danielle Endres & Theodore O. Prosise, University of Washington, "Negotiating Symbolic Capital in Argument Fields: An Empirical Study of Discursive Struggle"

Analysis of Argument Forms

662 Chris Lundberg, Northwestern University, "Ad Hominem and Agency: A genealogy"

669 Frans van Eemeren, Bart Garssen & Bert Meuffels, University of Amsterdam, "This can't be true, that would be terrible: Ordinary arguers judgments about ad consequentiam fallacies"

676 Shannon Skarpohl Kaml, Metropolitan State University, "Photojournalism and the Implications of Qualifiers in Visual Argument"

683 Bret Wiegman, Northwestern University, "The ad hominem of Today versus the ad hominem of Plato"

Ethos, Evidence, and Emotions in Scientific Controversy

689 David Depew, University of Iowa, Darkness in el Dorado: The Construction of Ethos in an
Anthropological Controversy"

697 Karen Taylor, Tulane University, "Questions of Trust and Treachery: Wen Ho Lee, Scientific Ethos, and the Role of Evidence"

705 Rachel Avon Whidden, Northern Illinois University, "Manufacturing Controversy: Debating Intelligent Design in Public"

711 Joanna Ploeger, University of Iowa, "Science, Society, and the Builders of the "Next Machine":
Understanding Techno-scientific Ethos in Scientific Practice and Policymaking"

Argument Application and the US-Iraq War

719 Kathleen M. Farrell, Saint Louis University, and Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University, "Not in Our Names: The Administration's Private Construction of the War Against Iraq"

726 James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland, "The Three Arguments of Iraq"

733 Bjorn Stillion Southard, University of Maryland, "Heightened Alert: The Altered Role of Evidence in the Case for War"

740 Danielle Wiese, University of Iowa, "Virtual Argument: How the World Wide Web Crafts Public Opinion"

Economic Controversy in 20th Century America: Case Studies in Public Advocacy

748 Bernard K. Duffy, California Polytechnical State University, "Louis D. Brandeis and the Argument from Efficiency"

757 Michael Weiler. Emerson College, "Robert F. Wagner and the Rights of Labor"

763 Stephanie Kelley-Romano, Bates College, and Mary F. Hoffman, Southwest Texas State University, "It's an FTC Thing: Trying Martha in the Public Sphere"

771 Edward Royce, Rollins College, "Michael Harrington and the Discovery of Poverty"

War Rhetoric and Its Precedents

779 Elisia Cohen, Saint Louis University, "Congressional Debate over the 2001 Patriot Act: Arguments for Consensus, Error-Correction, and Expediency"

787 Cynthia Willis, University of Southern California, "Fighting the Good Fight—Again: The Invocation of Pearl Harbor and the greatest Generation in Sept 11 Rhetoric"

795 Joseph M. Valenzano, Georgia State University, "The Hoofbeats of History: George W. Bush and FDR on the Path to Very Different Wars"

Fourteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2005



Riley, Patricia, ed.  Engaging Argument.  Washington:  National Communication Association, 2006.

pp. Author, "Title," 


1 James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland."Facts, Truth and Iraq: A Call to Stewardship of Democratic Argument."

18 Kathryn M. Olson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. "The Epideictic Lens: The Unrealized Potential of Existing Argumentation Theory to Explain the Bush Administration's Presentation of War with Iraq."

Engaging Violence

29 David Zarefsky, Northwestern University. "Terrorism and the Argument from Ignorance."

36 Takeshi Suzuki, Tsuda College and Noriko Sekido, Tsuda College. "Noam Chomsky's Response to President Bush After 9/11: An Analysis of Public Dissension."

43 Bernardo Alexander Attias, California State University, Northridge. "Towards a Rhetorical Understanding of Modern Terrorism."

51 Satoru Aonuma, Kanda University of International Studies and Mitsuhiro Fujimaki, Bunkyo University. "Northern Exposure and Nuclear Disclosure: A Case for Argumentative Intervention in International Relations."

59 Davi Johnson, University of Georgia. "Visibility and Violence: The Bodies of Birmingham."

66 Charles Arthur Willard, Joy L. Hart, Shirley Willihnganz, University of Louisville. "Monumental Accusations and Grave Errors"

Engaging the State

73 Carol Winkler, Georgia State University. "Public Diplomacy, the Victim/Savior, and U.S. War on Terror. "

81 Craig Hayden, University of Southern California. "Argument-Driven International Media Campaigns: Competition of Argument Formations within the Network Society."

89 Eric Morris, Southwest Missouri State University. "Bush's 16 Words: A Toulminian Perspective on the Nuance and/or Deception in the 2003 State of the Union Address."

97 David Cratis Williams, Florida Atlantic University, and Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University. "Managing "Democracy" in the Age of Terrorism: Putin, Bush and Arguments from Definition."

104 Gordon R. Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh, Georgeta Bradatan, "Petru Rares" National College, Romania, Dejan Colev, Cirilo & Metodije School, Serbia, Tsvetelina Manolova, Alexander Language School, Bulgaria, Gligor Mitkovski, Independent scholar, Macedonia, Iva Nestoro, Southwestern University, Bulgaria, Milena Ristic, Economic-Trade School, Kosovo, Gentiana Sheshi, Educational Directorate, Albania. "Navigating Dangerous Deliberative Waters: Shallow Argument Pools, Group Polarization and Public Debate Pedagogy in Southeast Europe."

114 Melissa Franke, University of Southern California. "Toward a Theory of Radical Deliberation in Foreign Policy Debate."

121 Rae Lynn Schwartz, University of Iowa. "Graphing the National: The Rhetoric of National Geographic's Afghan Girl."

128 Valeria Fabj, Lynn University. "Personal Healing and Public Recognition: The Rhetorical
Invention of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder."

135 Brian Lain, University of Texas. "Identifying (with) the Place of Power: Recognition in Arguments
for Reparation."

142 Jeremiah Hickey, Texas A&M University. "Rhetorical Communities and the New Federalism."


Engaging the Public

148 Bjørn F. Stillion Southard, University of Maryland. "Arguing Benevolently: The Establishment of the American Colonization Society."

155 Benjamin Ponder, Northwestern University. "The Mediation of Episteme and Doxa in Demosthenes' Third Philippic."

161 Carrie Anne Platt, University of Southern California. "Opening up Spaces for Deliberation through Art: The Blurring of Public and Private Suffering in Euripides' The Trojan Women."

168 Kate Zittlow Rogness, University of Denver. "Lucy Hayes' Recusal from the Women's Rights Movement: Iconic Implications of the First Lady in the Public Sphere."

174 Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa. "Varied Relationships between Verbal and Visual Discourses: Jacob Riis' Arguments for Slum Reform."

183 Kathryn C. Palmer, University of Wisconsin, Madison. "Representing the Poor: Jacob Riis and the Rhetoric of Reform."

192 Martín Carcasson, Colorado State University. "The Rhetoric of the Working Poor: The Revival of the Living Wage."

198 Jeffrey VanCleave, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. "A New Internationalism: Anti-Globalization and the American Labor Movement's Advocacy."

205 Jiyeon Kang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "Reconfiguring Argument Fields: Toward a Dynamics of Discursive Public Spheres."

213 Chantal Benoit-Barné, Université de Montréal. "When Citizens Blur the Lines between Innovation and Politics: Thinking Beyond the Technical/Public Opposition."

220 Janice Schuetz, University of New Mexico. "Blogs, Argument, and the Terry Schiavo Case."

227 Carly Woods, University of Pittsburgh. "Presumption, Precaution, and Prudence: Common Sense Arguments in the Global Warming Debate."

234 Damien Pfister, University of Pittsburgh. " and the Nichification of Democracy."

243 David Schulz, California State University, Stanislaus. "Mobilizing Museums: Visual Arguments at the George H. W. Bush (41) Museum."

Engaging Counterpublics

250 Elizabeth Galewski, University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Counter/publicity: Conceiving the Means of Effective Representation."

257 Jonathan J. Edwards, Northwestern University. "Christian Counterpublics: Evangelical Discourse and the Critique of Modernism."

265 Matthew J. Sobnosky, Hofstra University. "Gay People, Alternative Places, Taboo Topics: Some Material and Cultural Influences on the Formation of a Counterpublic."

271 Kevin Baaske, California State University, Los Angeles. "Arguing about Marriage: Antimiscegenation Laws in Analogue to the Same-Sex Marriage Dispute."

278 Davin Allen Grindstaff, Georgia State University. "The State of Queer Citizenship: Same-Sex Marriage and Judicial Opinion."

286 Sarah K. Burgess, University of California Berkeley. 'Transitional Bodies of Law: The Demand for Recognition in the United Kingdom's Gender Recognition Act."

293 Leslie J. Harris, Lake Forest College. "Torn From Her Very Bosom: Melodramatic Argument in
Nineteenth Century Law."

299 Kyra Pearson, Loyola Marymount University. "Assassinating Publics: "Feminist Fatales" and the Death of Political Space."

306 Kasia Anderson, University of Southern California. "How to 'Dixie Chick': Celebrity Advocacy, Public Protest and the Body Politic."

312 Eric M. Gander, Baruch College, CUNY. "The Legal Theory of Incitement: A Brief History."

318 Fred J. Kauffeld, and Leah May, Edgewood College. "Exhorting and Inciting."

Engaging Politics

326 Robert C. Rowland, University of Kansas. "Campaign Argument and the Public Sphere: A Case Study of the Process of Developing Messages in a Congressional Campaign."

333 Thomas A. Hollihan, University of Southern California. "¡Si Se Puede! An Engaged Look at the Villaraigosa Mayoral Campaign."

342 Allan Louden, Wake Forest University. "Gauging Unique Qualities of Political Debates in State Level Races: The Case of Montana Gubernatorial and North Carolina U.S. Senate Elections."

Engaging Deliberative Practices

348 Catherine H. Palczewski, John Fritch, Eric Short, and Jennifer Farrell, University of Northern Iowa. "Ripe for Controversy: Churchill's 9/11 Essay."

359 G. Thomas Goodnight, University of Southern California. "Smoking Guns, Cherry-Picking and Stove-Piping: On Critical Metaphors, Discourse Events and Argumentation Games."

367 Elisia L. Cohen, St. Louis University. "Hanoi John" and "Chickenhawks": The Reaffirmation and
Subversion of the Vietnam War Hero in the 2004 Presidential Campaign."

373 Jeffrey R. Sens. "Screaming at Publics and the Illegible Decorum of Political Anger."

380 John M. Kephart III, University of Southern California. "Argumentation and Democracy: Towards a Model of Deliberative Debate."

386 John S. Nelson, University of Iowa and Anna Lorien Nelson, Harvard and Yale Universities. "Words and Pictures in Politics: Appeals in Iowa Presidential Spots for 2004."

394Zoltan P. Majdik, University of Southern California. "Quo Vadis, Political Debate? Truth-Telling Through Comedy in Jon Stewart's Crossfire Appearance."

Engaging Arguments and Argumentativeness

402 Mark Aakhus, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. "The Act and Activity of Proposing in Deliberation."

409 Sally Jackson, University of Arizona. "Designing Countermoves to Reshape a Disagreement Space."

416 Scott Jacobs, University of Arizona. "Finding Available Means to Put Things Right."

426 Douglas Walton, University of Winnipeg. "Disagreement Space, Burden of Proof and Fallacies."

432 Frans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser, University of Amsterdam. "Countering Fallacious Moves."

438 Douglas Walton, University of Winnipeg and David M. Godden, University of Windsor. "Alternatives to Suspicion and Trust as Conditions for Challenge in Argumentative Dialogue."

445 Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen and Bert Meuffels, University of Amsterdam. "Apples and Oranges, Peer Pressure, and Other Such Troublemakers: Ordinary Arguers' Opinions about Violations of the Pragma-Dialectical Argument Scheme Rule."

453 Dale Hample, Western Illinois University. "Toward a Theory of Evidence: Perceptual Dimensions and Their Relationships to Persuasiveness."

461 Harry Weger, Jr., University of Central Florida and Samantha R. Duke, Indiana University Southeast. "The Influence of Attachment Style on Argumentativeness in Interpersonal Conflict."

469 Leah E. Polcar, University of Amsterdam. "The Problem of Evasion in Question-Answer Argumentation II: An Analysis of Evasion in the Argumentation Stage of Critical Discussion."

478 Susan L. Kline, Ohio State University. "Deliberating about Behavior Change: Message Monitoring and Person-Centered Regulative Skill."

489 Dennis S. Gouran, Pennsylvania State University. "Leadership as Counteractive Influence in Group Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Discussions: The Special Case of Argument."

Engaging the Academy

498 Danielle R. Wiese, Florida State University and Scott J. Varda, University of Iowa. "Achieving Our Debate Community: An Examination of the New Left in Academic Collegiate Debate."

506 Jan M. Hovden, University of Kansas. "Debate and the Comic Frame: A Burkean Take on the Educational Value of NDT/CEDA Debate."

512 Jarrod Atchison and Edward Panetta, University of Georgia. "Raising a Stink: An Assessment of Argument Presentation and Effects on Secondary Audiences."

518 Rebecca Opsata, California State University, Northridge. "Making a "Correct" Decision: Inexperienced and Experienced Judges in Academic Debate."

525 Heidi L. Muller, University of Northern Colorado. "Collegiate Classroom Discussion Facilitators as Debate Moderators/Therapists."

532 Kathryn M. Olson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. "Educating Rhetorical Leaders."

539 Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. "Arguing for Analogy: Recognition vs. Invention in the New SAT."

547 Renu Dube, Boise State University. "Fields of Argument and the Locus of the Existent:
Transdisciplinary Travels/Travails of Postcolonial Theory."

554 William C. Trapani, Wayne State University. "Kelly Happe's Shout: Democracy's Detective Mode and the Deferral of New Temporal Materialities."

Fifteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2007



Jacobs, Scott, ed.  Concering Argument.  Washington:  National Communication Association, 2009.

pp. Author, "Title"


1    What Are We Learning About the Pragmatics of the Arguers’Obligations?, Fred J. Kauffeld, Edgewood College

Selected Conference Papers

33    Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University, "The Experiences of Policy Professionals in Designing Deliberation"

41    Shana Albright, Saint Louis University, and Elisia L. Cohen, University of Kentucky,"Stretching “Pre-Pregnant” Health Warnings: Debates Over Scientific Risk in Public Fora"

51    Satoru Aonuma, Kanda University of International Studies, "Counter Public and a Regime of Strategic Deception: Revisiting the Japan-U.S. Missile Defense Collaboration Advocacy"

61    Shawn Batt, Michigan State University, "Communicating with Experts: Issues of Integrity and Interaction Design"

70    Chantal Benoit-Barné, Université de Montréal, "Reflections on Science and Technology Controversies, Material Recalcitrance and Empty Reservoirs that Suddenly Become Full"

78    Derek Buescher, University of Puget Sound, and Kent Ono, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "The Content of Citizenship"

88    Thomas B. Byers, University of Louisville, "Against Nature: Reasons Not to Use the Biological Causation Argument for GLBT Rights"

95    Daniel J. Canary, Arizona State University, and Harry Weger, Jr., University of Central Florida, "An Observational Analysis of Conversational Argument Sequences and Assessments of Communication Quality: A Minimally Rational Perspective"

110   Meryl J. Irwin Carlson, The University of Iowa, "Sympathetic/Alienation: The Smithian and Marxian Agency of Aesthetics"

120   M. Kelly Carr, University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland, and Marilyn J. Young, The Florida State University, "Throwing Out the Baby While Saving the Bath Water: Regents v. Bakke, Affirmative Action, and Argument from Definition"

130    Dacia Charlesworth, Robert Morris University, "Mel Gibson and Celebrity Apologia: Unifying Rhetoric of Atonement and Organizational Crisis Communication"

139    Lynn Clarke, Vanderbilt University,"The Judicial Redefinition of Marriage: Deploying an Evolutionary Framework and Upstaging Public Debate"

147    Dana L. Cloud, Bryan J. McCann and Kathleen E. Feyh, University of Texas, "The Kairos of the Vanguard"

158    David R. Dewberry, University of Denver, and Pat Arneson, Duquesne University, "Based in and Focused on Argumentation: Communicative and Legal Approaches to Free Speech and the First Amendment"

166    Rachel L. DiCioccio and Sandra M. Ketrow, University of Rhode Island, "Family Communication, Argument, and Critical Decision-Making"

184    James Dimock, Minnesota State University - Mankato, "Putting the Argument Back in the Spheres of Argument"

192    Jeff Drury, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Constructing the Bandwagon: Invocations of Public Opinion in Presidential Rhetoric"

201    Craig A. Dudczak, Syracuse University, "Reversal of Presumption: Guilty Until Proven Innocent, If Then"

211    Jonathan J. Edwards, Northwestern University. "Revive Us O Lord: Revival Rhetoric and the Revitalization of Religious Advocacy"

222    Danielle Endres and Samantha Senda-Cook, University of Utah, "Place in Protest: An Analysis of Place, Argument, and Protest"

233    Valeria Fabj, Lynn University, "Discovering Textures in the Technical Sphere of Argument: Debating Intersex"

242    Eric M. Gander, Baruch College, CUNY, "A Future for Citizenship"

251    Matt Gerber, Baylor University, "Rhetorical 'Whitewashing': The Case of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riots"

258    John Giertz, Bakersfield College, "Think Critically, Defend Contextually, Change Accordingly: The Current State of Dialogic Argumentation"

267    G. Thomas Goodnight, Zoltan P. Majdik and John M. Kephart III, University of Southern California, "Presidential Debates as Public Argument"

280    Dennis S. Gouran, Penn State University, "Potential Cognitive and Social Influences on Communicative Behavior Implicit in Rational Models of Collective Choice"

290    Bruce E. Gronbeck, The University of Iowa, "Theories of Visual Argumentation: A Comparative Analysis"

298    Heidi Hamilton, Emporia State University, "Mothers at the Forefront of the Battle on the Homefront: Do Good Mothers Send their Children to War or Prevent Them?"

307    Dale Hample, University of Maryland, Allison K. Jones, Western Illinois University, and Joshua M. Averbeck, University of Oklahoma, "The Rationality Engine: How Do Arguers Deal Spontaneously with Fallacies?"

318    Andrew C. Hansen, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, "Argument for and by Ethos in the Rise of Victorian Science: Francis Galton’s English Men of Science"

326    Craig Hayden, University of Southern California, "The Role of Argument in Arab Media Framing about the United States"

336    Paul Hendrickson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “'The Worst of the Worst': Guantánamo, Dissent, and the Languages of Human Rights"

346    Darrin Hicks, University of Denver, "Unreasonable Force: Image Schemas in the New York Times Coverage of the Sean Bell Shooting"

355    Jeffrey Dale Hobbs, University of Texas at Tyler, and Robert C. Chandler, Pepperdine University, "Finding Forgiveness: An Analysis of Implicit Argumentation in Martha Stewart’s Apologia"

366    Robert Glenn Howard, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Hybrid Agencies on the Vernacular Web"

375    Brandon Inabinet, Northwestern University, "Masked Dueling in the Jacksonian Press: The Adams-Calhoun Controversy"

383    John P. Jackson, Jr., University of Colorado at Boulder, "Argument by Dissociation in Logical Empiricism"

394    Jeffrey W. Jarman, Wichita State University, "It’s the Economy, Stupid! Public Sphere Discussion of the Minimum Wage Increase"

404    Eric Jenkins, University of Georgia, "The Presence of Perelman: Selection and Attention in a Noisy World"

414    Hideki Kakita, Dokkyo University, "Interpreting Rhetorical Agency in the Age of Neo-Liberalism: A Controversy over Critical Praxis"

424    Christopher Kamrath, University of San Francisco, "John Dewey on Reasonableness and Imagination in the Face of War, 1917"

433    Casey Ryan Kelly, University of Minnesota, "Scientific Certainty and Ethical Obligations: Reframing Global Warming"

442    Susan L. Kline, The Ohio State University, "Dialogical Mechanisms in Argument: The Role of Articulation"

453    James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland, "There are People Working in Those Fields: Identifying the Genome, Assessing the Harvest"

462    Ben Krueger, University of Maryland, "Evil That Good May Come? A Rhetorical Analysis of the Moral Theory of Thomas Aquinas"

470    Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, "Reasonableness in Interpretive Argumentation"

478    Daisy R. Lemus, California State University-Northridge, "Argument Structures and Decision Outcomes in Computer-Mediated Groups"

487    William Lewis, Drake University, "Rescuing The Fugitive: “Reason” on Trial in Sheppard v. Maxwell, or, How Law is Like Professional Wrestling"

495    Zoltan P. Majdik, University of Southern California, "Between Morality and Ethics: Risk and Argument in Direct-to-Consumer Genetics"

506    Mary Marcel, Bentley College, "Incommensurable Data, Procrustean Paradigms: Why News of Sexual Abuse of Nuns by Priests Never Made Your Hometown Newspaper"

515    Matthew S. May, University of Minnesota, “'Let us be Realistic and Demand the Impossible': Defining Kairos in Contemporary Marxism"

524    Kelly M. McDonald, Arizona State University, "Memorial and Memory in Controversy: Arizona’s State Memorial to September 11th"

536    Ryan Erik McGeough, Louisiana State University, and Catherine Helen Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa, "Counter-Monuments, Contested Memories and Public Accountability: The Hamburg Monument Against Fascism, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, and the Fetterman Battlefield Memorial"

547    William J. McKinney, Slippery Rock University, "On the Epistemic Context of Interrogative Belief Systems: The Case of the Civic Turn in Liberal Education"

555    Sara Ann Mehltretter, The Pennsylvania State University, and Dale A. Herbeck, Boston College, "Looks Count: Newspaper Accounts of the First Kennedy-Nixon Debate during the 2004 Presidential Campaign"

558    Gordon R. Mitchell, Carly Woods, Matthew Brigham, Eric English and John Rief, University of Pittsburgh, "DAWG Power: The Synergy of Writing in Packs"

572    John S. Nelson, University of Iowa, "Popular Rhetorics for Non-Linear Politics: Movements, Styles, Systems, and More"

580    Kathryn M. Olson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, "How Can We Address No Child Left Behind? The Importance of Inherency Analysis on Public Issues"

590    Roosmaryn Pilgram, University of Amsterdam, and Leah E. Polcar, University of Amsterdam, "Materializing Material Starting Points: Identifying Commitments in Argumentative Discourse"

599    Carrie Anne Platt, University of Southern California, "Focusing the Family: The Argumentative Evolution of “Family Values” in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate"

609    Leah E. Polcar, Roosmaryn Pilgram, and A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, University of Amsterdam, “'Not That I Need To Go Into Detail About Praeteritio': An Empirical Investigation of the Use of Praeteritio in Argumentative Discussions"

618    Steven Rafferty, University of Southern California, "Fruitless Speech? An Analysis of Parrhesia in the Pre-Invasion Debate on Troop Levels"

628    Jason Regnier, The University of Iowa, "The Critical Persona: Reading the African Uranium Controversy"

636    Robert C. Rowland, The University of Kansas, "Purpose, Argument Fields, and the Problem of Expertise"

645    Janice Schuetz, University of New Mexico, "Definitions of Science in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District"

653    Rae Lynn Schwartz-DuPre, Western Washington University, "A Rhetorical Reading of Katrina Exposed: Public Photographs, Memory, and Colonialism"

661    Matthew J. Sobnosky, Hofstra University, "Strategies for Listening: Activism and the Reframing of Public Discourse about HIV"

669    Bjørn F. Stillion Southard and James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland, "Moderate Political Argument: A Philosophical and Empirical Exploration"

677    Craig O. Stewart, Old Dominion University, "Ill Communication: Arguing the Status of Homosexuality in DSM-III, 1976-1978"

687    Kirsten Theye, University of Kansas, "Satire as Entelechial Fear Appeal: The Case of the Flying Spaghetti Monster"

695    N.B. Usher, University of Southern California, "Visual Argument and Interactive Visual Images: “Virtual” Experience and the Consequences for Argument"

703    Chara K. Van Horn, Georgia State University, "Secrecy, Authority, and the Mundane: The Peculiar Form of the Warren Commission Report"

712    Scott Varda, University of Iowa, "Reconsidering McGee’s Clarion Call: Viewing Academic Debate as Legitimate Offspring of Isocratic Rhetorical Theory"

722    Ben Voth, Miami University, "The New Anti-Semitism"

730    Don Waisanen, University of Southern California, and Takeshi Suzuki, Tsuda College, "Audience Roles in an Infotaining Public Sphere: Polarization, Critical Deliberation, or Epideictic Engagement?"

740    Lindsay D. Wakefield, University of Oklahoma, "Merging Apologia and Stasis: Locating the Argument in the Apologia of the Cheney/Whittington Hunting Mishap"

749    Harry Weger, Jr., University of Central Florida, Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University, and Leah E. Polcar, University of Amsterdam, "An Exploratory Study of Responses to Fallacies in Public Debates: Audience Perceptions of Reasonableness and Effectiveness"

761    Rachel Avon Whidden and Taylor Tuscherer, Lake Forest College, “'Good Parents Vaccinate': An Analysis of Merck’s Gardasil Campaign"

768    Robyn Wicks and Marouf Hasian, Jr., University of Utah, “'The Preacher,' Mental Illness, and the Argumentative Construction of the Irrational in Panetti v. Quarterman"

776    Charles Arthur Willard, Shirley Willihnganz and Joy L. Hart, University of Louisville, "Building an Argument"

783    Cynthia Willis-Chun, Willamette University, "Squaring Argument Spheres: A Modest Proposal"

792    Carol Winkler, Georgia State University, "Extending the Benefits of Debate: Outcomes of the Computer Assisted Debate Project"

801    David Zarefsky, Northwestern University, "Well-Plowed Fields: In the Eye of the Beholder?"

810    Frank Zenker, University of Hamburg, "Complexity without Insight: Ceteris paribus Clauses in Assessing Conductive Argumentation"

819    Joseph P. Zompetti, Illinois State University, and David Cratis Williams, Florida Atlantic University, "Democratic Civic Engagement and Pedagogical Pursuits: Using Argumentation and Debate to Energize Concerned Citizens"

Sixteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2009



Gouran, Dennis, ed.  The Functions of Argument and Social Context.  Washington:  National Communication Association, 2010.

pp. "Title," Author


1    "Argument: Its Origin, Function, and Structure, " Dale Hample, University of Maryland

Selected Conference Papers

11 "Transparency Work and Argumentation Design in Deliberation about Business in Society, " Mark Aakhus, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

18 "Finding Resistance from Betwixt and Between: Ritual Liminality as Counter-Warrant to Culture as Enthymeme," Jennifer J. Asenas and Karen Rasmussen, California State University, Long Beach

25 "Engagement, Time, and Flow: Prospects for Obama's America," Shawn Batt, Michigan State University

32 "Investigating Public Controversy Through the Inscriptions of Non-Humans: Objects as Sources of Puzzlement and as Symbols," Chantal Benoit-Barné, Université de Montréal

39 "Ready to Fight: FDR's "Pre-War" Discourse and the Creation of an 'American' Identity," Emily A. Berg, University of Minnesota

46 "Framing Discourse as Argument in Appellate Courtrooms: Three Cases on Same-Sex Marriage," Robert T. Craig and Karen Tracy, University of Colorado at Boulder

54 "Glamorization of Gore Through Visual Argument: An Analysis of Dexter Advertisements," Anne Davis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

60 "Radical Politics, Minor Polemics and the Transfiguration of Public Forms," Melissa Deem, University of New Hampshire

67, "Context, Historiography, and Fragmentation of the Past," David C. Deifell, Ashford University

75 "Naturally Occurring Refutation: Examining Argumentation in City Council Discussions over Iraq," Aaron Dimock, University of Nebraska, Kearney

83 "Civil Disobedience as a Democratic Argument Form," James Patrick Dimock and Sarah Eckstein, Minnesota State University Mankato, and Aaron Dimock, University of Nebraska Kearney

91 "The Power of Medical Activism: MPD Patients Shape Medical Research," Valeria Fabj, Lynn University

98 "Deliberation in a Contested Medical Context: Developing a Framework to Aid Family Decision Making when an Adolescent Son Faces Fertility-Threatening Cancer Treatment," Kathleen M. Galvin, Northwestern University

107 "Our Greatest Confusion: Evolution, Cooperation, and 'Survival of the Fittest'," Eric M. Gander, Baruch College, CUNY

116 "What's So Bad About the Ivory Tower, Anyway?: Arguing the Academic Enterprise," Ryan Gillespie, University of Southern California

124 "'Because there aren't enough spoons': Creating Contextually-Organized Online Argument Through
Reconstruction," Miriam Greenfeld Benovitz, Rutgers University

131 "The Divergent Contexts of PETA's Veggie Love Commercial and the Re-appropriation of Public Argument,"
Dustin Greenwalt, Baylor University

137 "Yankee Argumentative Culturetypes: The Case of Obama vs. McCain," Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

145 "Generative Arguments: The Display of National Loyalty in Americanization Parades," Leslie A. Hahner, Baylor University

151 "Uncle Sam Wants Your Son or Daughter: Defining a Mother's Role in the Military Context," Heidi E. Hamilton, Emporia State University

158 "Feminists for Life and the Use of Appropriational Argument in the Abortion Controversy," Leslie J. Harris and Kimberly Smith, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

164 "The Role of Audience in Public Diplomacy Argumentation," Craig A. Hayden, American University

172 "Conscientious Objections: Debating Both Sides and the Cultures of Democracy," Darrin Hicks, University of Denver and Ronald Walter Greene, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

179 "Barack Obama and America's Journey: Implicit and Explicit Arguments about Race," Thomas A. Hollihan, University of Southern California

187 "A Rhetorical Schema for Evaluating "The Other" in Satirical Imagery: The New Yorker Cartoon on Barack Obama," Safiyya Hosein, Lynn University

194 "Personality and Power in Argument," Tatiana N. Ivanova Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

202 "The Effects of Format Changes on Viewers' Perceptions of Arguments Made by Obama and McCain in the 2008 Presidential Debates," Jeffrey W. Jarman, Wichita State University

211 "Serial Arguments and Argument Type: Comparing Serial Arguments About Public and Personal Issue Argument Topics," Amy Janan Johnson, Joshua M. Averbeck, Katherine M. Kelley, and Shr-Jie Liu, University of Oklahoma

219 "From the Suppressed Premise to the Repressed Premise: The Unconscious as a Location of Enthymeme," Kevin A. Johnson, California State University, Long Beach

226 "Accidental Image Events and Overidentification: The Boston Mooninite Scare," Paul Elliot Johnson, University of Iowa

233 "The Body, Materiality, Argumentation: Re-reading Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media," Hideki Kakita, Dokkyo University

241 "Family Argument: A Model of Family Communication in Crisis," Sandra M. Ketrow and Rachel L. DiCioccio, University of Rhode Island

250 "Creating Discursive Space to Consider Incongruous Perspectives: The Role of Dialogical Mechanisms in Argument," Susan L. Kline, Ohio State University

259 "Argument in Critical Elections," James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland

266 "Making Sense of the No on Proposition 8 Campaign: The Failure of Non-Ideological Argumentation," Ben Krueger, University of Maryland

274 "Speaker Points, Wins, and Losses: A History of the Evolution of Academic Debate and its Place within Communication Studies," Brian Lain, University of North Texas

281 "Authors, Audiences, and Argument: ABC's LOST and Narrative Agency After 9/11, Brian Lain and Shaun Treat, University of North Texas

289 "A Politics of Erasure: Race and Color-Blind Rhetoric in Supreme Court Opinions," Catherine L. Langford, Texas Tech University

296 "A Dichotomy Worth Dissolving: Conviction is to Philosophy and Objectivity as Persuasion is to Rhetoric and Subjectivity," Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

300 "Natality vs. Mortality: Gender and Embodiment in Hannah Arendt's Political Philosophy," Joan Faber McAlister, Drake University

307 "Moments of Karma: The Daily Show, Multimedia and Vernacular Argument," Ryan Erik McGeough, Louisiana State University

314 "'It's Bigger than Hip-Hop'": Don Imus and the Racial Enthymeme," Michael K. Middleton and Nicholas A. Russell, University of Utah

322 "View from the Summit: Perspectives on Forensics Scholarship and Research from the 2009 Policy Debate Summit and Development Conference," Gordon R. Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh

331 "Equality as an Ideograph: The Gay Rights Movement and Proposition 8," Megan E. Morrissey, The University of Colorado at Boulder

338 "Troping Violence: Toward the Confluence of Rationality, Myth, and Rhetorical Invention," David Moscowitz, College of Charleston

346 "Bridging the Communicative Divide: Wafaa Bilal, Performative Politics, and the Visible Body," Jane Munksgaard, University of Georgia

353 "The Inarticulate Gender-Bending Performance of Vice-Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin," Denise L. Oles, Drake University

359 "Censorship, Discourse, and Performativity," Heidi Owens, Georgia State University

365 "Domesticating Repression: Responses to Suffrage Advocates' Body Argument in Postcards Depicting Police and Suffrage Advocates' Interactions," Catherine H. Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa

375 "Converting Classrooms to Borderlands: Creating Spaces for Criticism," Samuel P. Perry, Georgia State University

381 "Translating Religious Arguments for the Public Sphere: Constructing "Overlapping Consensus" in the Debate
over Same-Sex Marriage," Carrie Anne Platt, North Dakota State University

389 "The Rhetorical Cultivation of Time: Stanton's 'The Solitude of Self'," G. Mitchell Reyes, Lewis & Clark College

396 "The Many Sides of "Switch-Sides Debate": Perspective-Taking and the Limits of Liberal-Deliberative Practice," John Rief, University of Pittsburgh, and Kevin Cummings, Mercer University

403 "Arguing for Survival: Strategic Communication and Narrative Accounts of Change in the News Industry," Patricia Riley, Nicole Usher, and Thomas Hollihan, University of Southern California

412 "Treason or Tyranny? : Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr," Jeremy Rogerson, Texas A&M University

419 "A Generative Form of Critical Publicity," Kate Zittlow Rogness, St. John's University

426 "The Enlightenment Roots of Obama's New Politics," Robert C. Rowland, The University of Kansas

433 "Breaking the Fourth Wall: Judicial Activism as Agency for Change in College Policy Debate," Christopher D. Salinas, Southern Methodist University

440 "Rationalizing Torture at Abu Ghraib: Argumentation in the Schlesinger Report," Janice Schuetz, University of New Mexico

447 "Moments of Inevitability in Economic Argument," David P. Schulz, Trinity Lutheran College

454 "Advanced Variations of Simulated Atonement: Blame Displacement and George W. Bush's Apologia for the
WMD Scandal," Ryan M. Shepard, University of Kansas

461 "A Flexible Art: Re-imagining Goodnight's Public, Private, and Technical Spheres Through the Lens of the Internet," Kimberly Alecia Singletary, Northwestern University

468 "Surrogate Families and Other Visual Argumentation Strategies: Singles and Seniors in the Genre of Photogreeting Cards," Shannon Skarphol Kaml, Metropolitan State University

476 "Perceptions of Risk Evidence: Are All Statistics Considered Equal?" Christine Skubisz, University of Maryland

485 "Shame on You Mbeki! The Problem of Denialism in South African AIDS Discourse, Ryan Solomon, University of Wisconsin-Madison

492 "The Temple of Obama: Visual Intertextuality and the 2008 Democratic National Convention," Sarah E. Spring, University of Iowa

499 "Nathaniel Hawthorne's Greatest Fiction: The Epideictic Function in Pierce's Presidential Campaign," Michael Warren Tumolo, The California State University, Stanislaus

505 "Constraints on Political Deliberation: European Parliamentary Debate as an Argumentative Activity Type," Frans H. van Eemeren and Bart Garssen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

515 "Hidden Agency: Conspiratorial Control Over the Shaping of the 9/11 Commission Report," Chara K. Van Horn, The University of Tennessee at Martin

523 "Isocratic Citizenship: Toward a Pedagogy of Citizen Orators," Scott J. Varda, Baylor University

529 "Making the Fantastic Persuasive: Malcolm X's Use of History as Rhetorical Argument," Scott J. Varda, Baylor University

535 "Loving and a Legacy of Difference," Mary Lynn Veden, University of Washington

543 "Death as a Text: State Killings as Public Argument," Ben Voth, Southern Methodist University

550 "Facebook, Diasporic-Virtual Publics, and Networked Argumentation," Don Waisanen, University of Southern California

558 "Citizen Putin: Presidential Argument and the Invitation to (Democratic) Citizenship," David Cratis Williams and Noemi Marin, Florida Atlantic University

565 "The Impact of Policy Debate on Inner-City Schools: The Milwaukee Experience," Carol Winkler, Georgia State University

572 "Obama's Lincoln: Uses of the Argument from Historical Analogy," David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Selected Papers from the 2007 Conference

579 "'Looks Count': Newspaper Accounts of the First Kennedy-Nixon Debate during the 2004 Presidential Campaign," Sara Ann Mehltretter, The Pennsylvania State University, and Dale A. Herbeck, Boston College

587 "Arguments for Local Control in a Global Marketplace: The Struggle for the Los Angeles Times," Patricia Riley, Thomas Hollihan, and N. B. Usher, University of Southern California

The Alta Conference

597    2009 Conference Program
611    2009 Conference Participants
617    The History of the Alta Conference

Seventeenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2011

Reasoned Argument and Social Change


Rowland, Robert C., ed.  Reasoned Argument and Social Change.  Washington:  National Communication Association, 2011.

pp. "Title," Author


1 "Reasoned Argument and Social Change: An Introduction," Robert C. Rowland, University of Kansas


5    "Democratic Argument in the Digital Age," Thomas A. Hollihan, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California

Spotlight Theories of Argument

25 'The Pragma-Dialectical Method of Analysis and Evaluation," Frans H. van Eemeren, University of Amsterdam and ILIAS, Bart Garssen, University of Amsterdam and ILIAS, and Jean H. M. Wagemans, University of Amsterdam and ILIAS

48 "Informal Logic and Argumentation: An Alta Conversation," David M. Godden, Old Dominion University, Leo Groarke, University of Windsor, Hans V. Hansen, University of Windsor

Argumentation Theory

63 "The Problem of Many Questions," David Botting, IFL, Faculdade Ciencias Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

70 "Audience Temperament Adaptation Theory: Applications to and Implications for Argumentation Theory and Practice," Steven C. Combs, Hawaii Pacific University

78 "The Uses of 'Argument' in Practical Metadiscourse," Robert T. Craig, University of Colorado, Boulder

87 "Digging Deeper into the "Pre-Utterance You," Aaron P. Donaldson, University of Denver

95 "The Role of Intuition, Emotion, and Reason in the Act of Judgment: Implications from Moral Psychology and Metaethics for Argumentation Studies," Ryan Gillespie, University of Southern California

104 "Leadership as Reasoned Argument in Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Groups," Dennis S. Gouran, The Pennsylvania State University

113 "Visual Argument Frames: Reading the Management of Claims," Leslie A. Hahner, Baylor University

121 "How Many Examples is an Induction?" Dale Hample, University of Maryland

129 "Argumentation in the Affective Dimension: An Inquiry into the Presuppositions of Joint Deliberation," Darrin Hicks, University of Denver, and Lenore Langsdorf, University of Texas, San Antonio

137 "Social Change and Reasoned Argument," David B. Hingstman, University of Iowa

145 "Caring Too Much: The Implications of Motivated Cognition for Argument Theory," Michael Janas, Samford University

154 "A Neuroscientific Approach to Argumentation," Jeffrey W. Jarman, Wichita State University

162 "Exploring the Role of Questions in Argumentation and Argument Skill," Susan L. Kline, Ohio State University, and Jonathan D'Angelo, University of Wisconsin

172 "Toward a Culturally Materialist Theory of Argument Spheres," Ben Krueger, Winona State University

181 "Embodied Argument as Experience: Moral Taste and the Physical, Affective, and Mediated Presence of Bodily Claims," Susan A. Sci, Regis University

190 "Rational Argumentation and Social Change in the Frankfurt School Tradition," L. Paul Strait, University of Southern California

198 "Why Reasons Resonate in Society: Style and the Hermogenic System of Nondiscursive Argument," Mark A. E. Williams, California State University, Sacramento, and Ryan Gillespie, University of Southern California

Argumentation and Debate

206 "Negative Politeness in the 2008 Presidential Debates Between Barack Obama and John McCain," Edward A. Hinck, Central Michigan University, Shelly S. Hinck, Central Michigan University, and William O. Dailey, Central Michigan University

214 "From Logical Policymaking to Reasonable Decision-Making: The Need for a New Paradigm in Contemporary Policy Debate," William Mosley-Jensen, University of Georgia

221 "On Building a Culture of Assessment in Intercollegiate Policy Debate," Timothy M. O'Donnell, University of Mary Washington

229 "Dialogue Not Debate: Using Civil Dialogue as a Pedagogical Tool to Decrease Polarization," Clark D. Olson, Arizona State University, John Genette, Black Mountain Communications, Jennifer Linde, Arizona State University

237 "Pedagogical Functions of the Annual Resolution in Contemporary Policy Debate: Reflections on the Controversy Outlined in the 3rd Developmental Conference," Edward Panetta, University of Georgia, and R. Jarrod Atchison, Wake Forest University

245 "Re-Imagining Academic Debate in a Digital Era," Gordon Stables, University of Southern California

A Parsonian Theory of Argument

254 "Ah, the Irony of It All: Parson, Trope and Argumentation," V. William Balthrop, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

262 "Finding Argument in a Parsonian Garden," Scott L. Harris, University of Kansas

270 "The Parsonian School," James F. Klumpp, The University of Maryland

278 "In Retrospective Prospect: Burke, Protagoras—and Me," Donn W. Parson, University of Kansas

Whately and Argument

284 "Theories of Presumption in Western Argumentation: Social Realism, Legal Axiology, and Psychological Uptake," Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

293 "What Light Does Gronbeck Shed on the Adequacy of Whately's Account of Presumption and Probative
Obligations in Everyday Argument?" Fred J. Kauffeld, Edgewood College

301 "Whately's Importance to Argument: A Retrospective Review," Raymie E. McKerrow, Ohio University

309 "Whately's Presumptions Revisited," Karen Whedbee, Northern Illinois University

Historical Argument

317 "Signaling as Argument: Henry Kissinger, Chou En-lai and the Formalization of Relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China," Andrew D. Barnes, Georgia State University

325 "New York Times v. Sullivan as Impetus for Social Change: Reasoned Argument and Social Change from the Supreme Court," Nicholas F. Burnett, California State University, Sacramento

332 "Good Faith, Diversity, and Academic Freedom: Evolving Arguments to Justify Affirmative Action," M. Kelly Carr, University of Baltimore, and Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University

340 "The Paradox of Authentic Identity: Mormon Women and the Nineteenth Century Polygamy Controversy," Leslie J. Harris, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Mike Allen, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

348 "Argument, Tradition, and the Currency of Authority," Brandon Inabinet, Furman University

357 "Argument from Definition and Circumstance in Ronald Reagan's Economic Rhetoric," John M. Jones, Pepperdine University

364 "Criteria for Judging Historical Analogies: A Case Study of the Boston Tea Party Analogy," Meredith Neville-Shepard, University of Kansas

371 "Addressing the "Spoiler" Charge: Presidential Apologia for Third Party Candidates," Ryan Neville-Shepard, Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus

379 "When Body Argument Becomes Militant Argument," Catherine Helen Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa

387 "Applying Feminist Argument in Context: A Second Wave Argument about Women's Role in the Perpetuation of Male Violence," Sarah T. Partlow-Lefevre, Idaho State University

395 "Form as Argument in Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine," Karen Rasmussen, California State University, Long Beach

403 "The Tragedy of Fredrick Douglass's 'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?'" G. Mitchell Reyes, Lewis & Clark College

411 "Bodies upon the Gears: Public Indignation for Social Change," David P. Schulz, Trinity Lutheran College

419 "Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: FDR and the Forms of Democratic Debate," Mary E. Stuckey, Georgia State University

426 "Flipping the Script: Malcolm X's Use of Rhetorical Refusals as Model for Social Change," Scott Varda, Baylor University

434 "Expanding the Antirrhetic: Coming to Terms with the Violent Rationality of the Law," Mary Lynn Veden, University of Washington/University of Arkansas

442 "Drawing Distinctions: A Recurrent Feature of Abraham Lincoln's Argumentation," David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Contemporary Argument Practice

448 "Remembering the Lion of the Desert: Visual Rhetoric and Argument in the Contemporary Public Sphere," Laura Alberti, University of Southern California

457 "Too Fat for Hooters? Examining the Body as Aesthetic Evidence," Ruth J. Beerman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

464 "Salience Over Sustainability: Economic Environmentalism of Barack Obama," Brett Bricker, University of Kansas

472 "Visualizing Heretical Argument: The Incongruent Imagery of Pfc. Jessica Lynch," Derek Buescher, University of Puget Sound, and Kent Ono, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

480 "Transcending the Scientific Rationality/Religious Morality Divide: The Post-Secular Deliberative Sphere in President Obama's Stem Cell Statement," Nathaniel I. Córdova, Willamette University, and Joan Faber McAlister, Drake University

488 "NSS 2006: Democracy Promotion and Public Argument," Travis Cram, University of Wyoming

496 "Reasoning in Public Arguments about Same-Sex Marriage," Aaron Dimock, University of Nebraska, Kearney

504 "Teaching the Controversy as Argumentative Strategy: Placing the Unreasonable on Par with the Reasonable," James Dimock, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Robert Browne, Minnesota State University, Mankato, and Aaron Dimock, University of Nebraska, Kearney

512 "An Examination of Preponderance of Evidence Standards in Quasi-Judicial Student Disciplinary Hearings: You're Still Guilty until Proven Innocent," Craig A. Dudczak, Syracuse University

521 "Music as Argument: Is Singing an (Un)Reasonable Response to Global Climate Change?" Danielle Endres, University of Utah, and Megan O'Byrne, University of Utah

529 "Aural Argument: Cage's 'As Slow As Possible'," John Fritch, University of Northern Iowa, and Jeffery Byrd, University of Northern Iowa

537 "Arguing with Money: Reasonableness and Change in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission," Ronald Walter Greene, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

545 "Forgive Me Public for I Have Sinned: A Rhetorical Analysis of Interpersonal Strategies in Atonement," Spencer Harris, University of Kansas

552 "The Procedural Rhetoric of Tech@State: Public Argumentation for Open Source Technologies as U.S. Strategic Communication," Craig Hayden, American University

561 "Drugs, Borders, and the Merida Initiative: Analogy and Policymaking," Stephen Heidt, Georgia State University

569 "How a Contemporary First Lady Argues: Michelle Obama and the 'Let's Move!'Campaign," Jaclyn Howell, University of Kansas

578 "Challenging the "Givens" of Political Life: Social Movements and the Destructive Orgy of Unreason," Kevin Johnson, California State University, Long Beach, and Michael K. Middleton, University of Utah

586 "Sarah Palin and the Populist Deductive," Paul Elliott Johnson, University of Pittsburgh

593 "An Analysis of the 2010 Election Day Speech Contest of Two Democratic Party of Japan Candidates," Takayuki Kato, Seiwa University, and Takeshi Suzuki, Meiji University

600 "Race, Racism, and Presumption," Ronald Lee, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and Karen Lee, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

609 "Sublime Argument: Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project," Robert E. Mills, Georgia State University

617 "'Get Motivated!': How the New Prosperity Gospel Operates," Kathryn M. Olson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

624 "Global Warming and Argument Fields: The Purpose, Justification, and Appropriateness of Skeptic Arguments in the Global Warming Debate," Nicholas S. Paliewicz, University of Utah

631 "Media, Politics, and The New Spectacle: Governor Scott Walker vs. the Carnivale," Barbara A. Pickering, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Adam W. Tyma, University of Nebraska, Omaha

639 "Dangerous Desires: The Limits of Argumentative Reason in Public HIV/AIDS Health Campaigns," Nicholas A. Russell, California State University, Long Beach, and George F. McHendry, Jr., University of Utah

647 "Between Free Speech and Public Debate: An Analysis of Snyder v. Phelps," Brian J. Schrader, University of Denver, and John J. Rief, University of Pittsburgh

655 "Cyberadvocacy and the Evolution of the Tea Party Movement," Janice Schuetz, University of New Mexico, and Rachel Stohr, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

664 "Argument in Translation: Bridging Difference in Moments of Conflict," Ryan Solomon, University of Wisconsin, Madison

671 "The Rhetoric of Anonymous: Identity, Strategy and Morality," Lara Stache, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

678 "I'm Sorry if This Essay is Offensive: A Quasi-Apology Typology," Kirsten Theye, Concordia College

686 "How the Context Makes an Argument: The Case of Public Hearings about Same-Sex Marriage," Karen Tracy, University of Colorado, Boulder

695 "Dematerializing Rhetoric: Outlaw Discourses in/as Public Controversy," William C. Trapani, Florida Atlantic University, and Kelly M. Young, Wayne State University

703 " George W. Bush's Public Arguments for Democracy and Freedom in the Middle East," Ben Voth, Southern Methodist University

708 "America Transcendent: George W. Bush's Argumentative Strategies Defending America," Zachary Wagner, University of Kansas

715 "Argument Ecologies in Social Media: Populist Reason in Facebook Immigration Pages," Don Waisanen, Baruch College, City University of New York

723 "Parental Expertise and the Silencing of Science," Rachel Avon Whidden, Lake Forest College, and Nicole Kosanke, Lake Forest College

732 "Bodies as Argument in On-line Jihadist Videos," Carol Winkler, Georgia State University

The Alta Conference

740 History of the Alta Conference and Program from the 2011 Conference


Eighteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2013

Disturbing Argument


Palczewski, Catherine H., ed.  Disturbing Argument.  New York:  Routledge, 2014.



1 "Introduction: Disturbing Argument," Catherine Helen Palczewski


4 "Challenging Communities: A Perspective About, From, and By Argumentation" Carol Winkler

Spotlight Panel

18 "Introduction: Perspectives on Argument Over Fiscal Policy"

19 "Economic Rationality, Twenty-First Century Style: A Critical Examination of Its Realism, Pragmatic Value, and Ethical Consequences"

26 "Informal Logic to the Rescue? Politics and Logic in U.S. Fiscal Debates" Leo Groarke

35 "Obama on the Affirmative: Sequester Arguments as Policy Debate" Sarah T. Partlow-Lefevre

42 "The Liberal Public Sphere and the Debt Ceiling Crisis Robert C. Rowland

49 "Argumentation from Expert Opinion in the 2011 U.S. Debt Ceiling Debate" Jean H. M. Wagemans

Director’s Choice Panel: Playing at and Disturbing the Boundaries of Argument

57 "Arguing for Emptiness: Community in the Debate Over Rhetoric and Love" Matthew Bost

63 "The Willing Choice of Farm Labor in the UFW “Take Our Jobs” Campaign" Lisa A. Flores

69 "Yarn Bombing and Argument by Aesthetic Appropriation" Leslie A. Hahner

75 "Arguing Sideways: The 1491s’ I’m an Indian Too" Mary E. Stuckey

Body and Visual Argument

81 "Toned Arms or Big Butt? Michelle Obama’s Disturbed Notions of Body, Race, Gender, and Advocacy as Let’s Move! Spokesperson" Ruth J. Beerman

87 "The Progenic Trauma Tattoo as Resignification: Auschwitz 157622, A–15510, 4559, . . ." Linda Diane Horwitz and Daniel C. Brouwer

93 "Smackdown! Michelle v. Oprah: Disturbing Pleasures of the Black Catfight" Joan Faber McAlister and Denise Oles-Acevedo

99 "Starving to Live: Self-Mutilation as Public Argument in the Colombian Hunger Strikes" Ryan Erik McGeough and Danielle Dick McGeough

105 "Disturbances to Certainty: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Legality of the 'Pregnant Man'" Marylou R. Naumoff and Erika M. Thomas

111 "Django Unchained and the Undisturbed Frontier Hero Archetype" Samuel P. Perry

117 "Disturbing Images: Medical Photography of the Bodies of Intersex Individuals" Sarah S. Topp

123 The Personal is Not Political: A Public Argument for Privatizing Women’s Sexuality" Kate Zittlow Rogness

Interpersonal and Group Argument

129 "An Exploration of the Extent to Which Serial Argument Thoughts and Behaviors Are Relationally Disturbing" Jennifer L. Bevan, Alexis Della Ripa, Alexandra Boulger, Aryn Tuazon, Chelsea Simmons, and Danielle Levine

136 "Disturbing Arguments: Treatment Decision Making When a Female Adolescent Confronts Fertility-Threatening Cancer" Kathleen M. Galvin and Esther Liu

143 "Lessons from Leadership Theory and Research for Maximizing the Value of Argument in Discussions of Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Groups" Dennis S. Gouran

149 "Argument Engagement under Invitational versus Demanding Conditions" Dale Hample and Amanda L. Irions

155 "Narrative Argument as Multiple Goal Messages in Interpersonal Deliberation" Susan L. Kline

Argument in Electoral Politics

161 "The Structure of the Pivot: Disturbing Argument Through Strategic Question Avoidance in Presidential Debate" Aaron Dimock

168 "Polysemic Argument: Mitt Romney in the 2012 Primary Debates" Alexander Hiland

174 "A Disturbing Conclusion: The Irrelevance of Evidence" Jeffrey W. Jarman

181 "Disturbing Argument and Senator Richard Lugar’s Warning against Partisanship" John M. Jones

187 "Argumentative Trajectories in the War on Women" Randall A. Lake and Barbara A. Pickering

193 "100 Million Buttons Can’t be Wrong: Argument in Political Pinback Buttons" Arnie Madsen and John Fritch

201 "'The Revolution Must Continue': Strategic Maneuvering in Post-Mubarak Egypt" Dima Mohammed

207 "Disturbing the Conventions of National Political Conventions: Crossover Addresses and Reluctant Testimony" Meredith Neville-Shepard

213 "Disturbing Democracy: Argumentative Framing and the Third Party Bind in the 2012 Presidential Election" Ryan Neville-Shepard

219 "Unqualified Support: Joe Biden’s Disturbing Performance of Leadership, Loyalty, and Laughter in the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate" Kathryn M. Olson

225 "The Timeliness of the New (Networked) Rhetoric: On Critical Distance, Sentiment Analysis, and Public Feeling Polls" Damien S. Pfister

232 "Something Funny? The Laughing Joe Biden Meme as Digital Topoi within Political Argumentation" Susan A. Sci and David R. Dewberry

238 "Third Party Rhetoric and the Constitution of an Audience" Philip Tschirhart

244 "What 'Went Wrong' in the First Obama-Romney Debate?" David Zarefsky

Public Argument

250 "No Regrets: Public Argument and the Refusal to Apologize" Stephen Howard Browne

255 "A Heretic of Law: Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift’s Challenge of Executive Authority in the War on Terror" Derek Buescher and Kent A. Ono

261 "The Non-Nomination of Susan Rice: Disturbing Arguments Grounded in Race and Gender" Heidi Hamilton

267 "Abraham Lincoln and the Argumentative Style" James F. Klumpp

273 "Argumentative Dimensions of Pathos: The Patheme in Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address" William Mosley-Jensen

Argument in Social Protest

279 "Explaining Leonard Peltier’s Failed Clemency Rhetoric" Matthew G. Gerber

285 "Kristeva, Revolutionary Speech, and the Disturbation of Argument" Jeremy R. Grossman and Kelly E. Happe

291 "Tweeting the Arab Spring: Argumentative Polylogues in Digital Media" Marcin Lewinski and Dima Mohammed

298 "Constituting Inclusivity at the Expense of Inclusiveness: The Economic Realities of Local Food" Jessica M. Prody

304 "Opposing the Already Oppositional: The Westboro Baptist Church, Counter-Protests, and the Limits of Controversy" Brian J. Schrader, John J. Rief, and Matthew P. Brigham

311 "Disturbing Black Nationalism: The Minor Rhetoric of Drew Ali" Scott J. Varda

317 "Disturbing Community: Conflicting Identities and Citizenship in Japanese American Concentration Camp Newspapers During World War II" Kaori Yamada

Argument Over/With/In/Of Drones

323 "Drones: Argumentation in a Communication Control Society" G. Thomas Goodnight and Gordon R. Mitchell

329 "Don’t Fear the Reaper: The Disturbing Case of How Drones Reconfigure Technologies of Deliberation" Heather Ashley Hayes

336 "Drones, Biopolitics and Visuality: The Aestheticization of the War on Terror" Megan D. McFarlane

342 "After Honor: On Drones and the Distinguished Warfare Medal Controversy" William O. Saas

Scientific and Technical Argument

349 "Motherly Instinct: Disturbing the Demarcation of Expertise" Lauren Archer

355 "Scientific Counterpublics: In Defense of the Environmental Scientist as Public Intellectual" Brett Bricker

362 "Ignorance, Lesbians, and Medicine: Disturbing the Messages of Safer Sex" Valeria Fabj

369 "Rationality and Risk: A Pragma-Dialectical Assessment of Bernardo DeBernardinis’s Public Statement on Earthquake Risk in L’Aquila" Eileen Hammond and David Cratis Williams

376 "'True' Love Waits: The Construction of Facts in Abstinence-Until-Marriage Discourse" Casey Ryan Kelly

382 "Standards for Scientific Argumentation in the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act" Marcus Paroske

389 "Synecdoche as Argumentation Strategy in the Rhetoric of an Autism Advocacy Group" Vesta T. Silva and Rachel Avon Whidden

395 "Antidepressants and Iatrogenic Suicidality: Disturbing Arguments in the Politics of the Supplement" L. Paul Strait and G. Thomas Goodnight

401 "Debating Technical Rhetoric in the Public Sphere: Statistical Forecasting and Science Denial in the 2012 Presidential Election" Benjamin R. Warner

Argument and Debate Pedagogy

407 "Cultural Pedagogy as Motivation and the Role of 'Institutional Agents' in Intercollegiate Debate" Luis M. Andrade and Jon Bruschke

414 "Spectrum of Interrogation: Developing a New Vocabulary for Affirmative Cases in Intercollegiate Policy Debate" R. Jarrod Atchison and Edward Panetta

420 "Disturbing Categorical Reason in Moral Argumentation" Ryan Gillespie

426 "Rethinking the History of the Japanese-U.S. Exchange Tour: Early Tours, Early Topics, and Early Traffic" Brian Lain

432 "Revisiting the U.S. Footprints: A Critical Exploration of Interscholastic/Intercollegiate Policy Debate in Post World War II Japan" Satoru Aonuma, Junya Morooka, and Kazuhiko Seno

438 "What is Educational Debate for? An Analysis of High School and College Debate in Japanese Popular Culture" Noriaki Tajima

444 "Shouting, Clapping, and Laughing with the Monks: Toward a Boisterous, Cosmopolitan Argumentation Pedagogy" Don Waisanen

Nineteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2015

Recovering Argument


Lake, Randall A., ed.  Recovering Argument.  New York:  Routledge, 2018.


1 "Introduction: Recovering Argument," Randall A. Lake

Keynote Address

3 '''Lafayette, we are here!': Why Did the United States Commemorate Its World War I Dead in Europe?" V. William Balthrop and Carole Blair

Spotlight Panel

16 "Introduction: In Celebration of Bruce Gronbeck (1941–2014)"

17 "Recovering Bruce Gronbeck: Reflection on Argument’s Role in Rhetorical History" Michael Janas

22 "Recovering Bruce Gronbeck: Reflecting on Argument’s Role in Political Rhetoric" Heidi Hamilton

27 "Recovering Bruce Gronbeck at Alta: Theory and the Critic of Argumentation" David B. Hingstman


Part I Recovering Argument in History

Argument in Service of Memory

33 "Stories of Origin: Recovering Atomic Histories in the Noisy Nuclear Culture of Richland, Washington" R. Brandon Anderson

39 "Temporary Holocaust Tattoos: Recovering Signs for Collective Prosthetic Memory" Linda Diane Horwitz and Daniel C. Brouwer

45 "Gorbachev’s Argument for Perestroika: Forgotten or Remembered?" Ludmila Hyman

51 "'The Blind Remembrance': Rhetorical Tensions in the 1962 Emancipation Proclamation Centennial" Anne C. Kretsinger-Harries

57 "Recovering Nature: Memory and Scientific Argument at the American Museum of Natural History" Chandra A. Maldonado

63 "The Agency of the Archive and the Challenges of Classification" Angela G. Ray

Memory in Service of Argument

69 "Conspiracy as Legal Doctrine and Historiographical Framework: From the Nuremberg Trial to Contemporary Holocaust Denial Discourse" Laura Alberti

75 "Recovering Patton’s Speech: Materializing Persistent Arguments" Stephen J. Heidt

81 "The Irony of Originalist Arguments in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission" Kevin A. Johnson and Michael K. Middleton

87 "Argument Constellations in Voting Rights Debates"Catherine H. Palczewski

Recovering Legacies of Argumentation

93 "Me and Michael McGee: Recovering an Isocratean Tradition in the Art of Argumentation" Geoffrey D. Klinger

100 "Recovering Argumentation’s Figurative Domain" Ilon Lauer


Part II Recovering Argument in Public/Politics

Argument and the Public Sphere

106 "Recovering Rational Argument: A Case Study of MMR Vaccine Skeptics" Brett Bricker

112 "Carbon Sink: Higher Education and the Liberal Public Sphere" Travis Cram

118 "Challenges to Recovering Arguments Once Challenged in the Public Sphere" Edward A. Hinck

125 "Fact-Checking and the Liberal Public Sphere: Can Argument Be Recovered?" Jeffrey W. Jarman

131 "Recovering the Potential of Argument in the Public Sphere: Moms Demand Action and Threats of Gendered Violence in the Gun Control Debate" Sarah T. Partlow Lefevre

Health and/of Argument

138 "Recovering Trust: Mothers’ Anti-Vax to Pro-Vax Conversions" Beth L. Boser

144 "Recovering from Autism: A Rhetorical Perspective" Matthew G. Gerber

150 "The Logic(s) of Diagnosis: An Argumentative Analysis of Controversy Over the Inclusion of PTSD Into Official Psychiatric Nomenclature (1975-19678)" Joel Lemuel

157 "Healthy Disagreement: Exploring Medical Controversies Through Structured Public Debates" Gordon R. Mitchell

163 "Recovering From Pathological Argumentation: A Theory of Argument Systems and Intersubjective Psychosis" L. Paul Strait

Health(y) Argument about Ebola

169 "When Things Argue" G. Thomas Goodnight

176 "Ebola, Reason, and Fear" James F. Klumpp

182 "Recovering Productive Pity to Motivate Americans to Corrective Action on Africa’s Ebola Crisis: Lessons From Kenneth Burke and Senator Christopher Coons" Kathryn M. Olson

188 "Ebola and the Liberal Public Sphere" Robert C. Rowland

195 "The Ebola Crisis as an Interfield Dispute" David Zarefsky

Argument and Terror

201 "The Case of Shura City: Rhetorical Cartography, Argument Mapping, and the Global War on Terror"Heather Ashley Hayes

206 "Discovering and Recovering Arguments About Terror: Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama in Comparative Perspective"Loretta Rowley, Kevin Coe, and Robert Layne

213 "Recovering Argument by Dissociation: ISIL, Hayat Boumeddiene, and the Networked Security State" Carol Winkler

Recovering Leadership through Argument

218 "Recovering Cross-Cultural Audience(s) in Presidential Public Argument" Andrew D. Barnes

223 "El Sisi, Anticatēgoria, and Recovering Egypt"Randall Fowler

229 "Problematic Constraints on the Successful Exercise of Leadership, Their Negative Impact, Palliative Measures, and Argument as a More Effective Remedy" Dennis S. Gouran

234 "Recovering Responsibility: The Rhetoric of Responsibility in Presidential Policy Debates" Scott Harris

240 "Prime Minister Abe’s Critical Turn: From the Ideology of “A Beautiful Country” to the Metaphor of “Three Arrows”" Hiroko Okuda, Takeshi Suzuki, and Hiroshi Matsusaka

Public Argument on Social Media

246 "Twitter: How Terministic Screens Polarize Presidential Debates" Michael Eisenstadt

252 "Perspective by Incongruity in Internet Memes: The Case of the 2015 Japanese Hostage Crisis" Naoki Kambe

258 "Digital Conspiracy Argument and the Recovery of Nonverbal Communication as Signs of Complicity" Ryan Neville-Shepard

264 "Arguments for Everybody: Social Media, Context Collapse, and the Universal Audience" Don Waisanen


Part III Recovering Argument in Theory and Criticism

The Challenge of Gender

270 "The Subversive Sister: An Analysis of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Appropriation of Masculine Classical Form" Sara Baugh-Harris

276 "Recovery as Discovery: Finding Lucy" Nicole Williams Barnes

281 "Argumentation in the Identity Politics of the Trans Selfie: Recovering Greek Mythology to Analyze Contemporary Gender Arguments" Emma Frances Bloomfield

287 "The Restrained Tongue: Recovering Bathsua Makin’s Weapon in 17th-Century England" Meredith Neville-Shepard

293 "Recovering Bodies of Argument: Refuting Rape Rationalizations in Public Discourse" Joan Faber McAlister

299 "Virtual Violations: Shaming Rape Victims via Social Media Memes" Denise Oles-Acevedo

304 "Recovering Rape: Sexual Violence in Women’s Public Address in the United States, 1848–1915" Kari Storla

The Challenge of Presentational Arguments

310 "Genre, Modality, and Written Rap Battles: A Preliminary Investigation" Eli T. Bacon

316 "A Critical Recovery of Images as Arguments: Manipulation, Distortion, and Debating Abortion" James Patrick Dimock, Katie Brunner, Brandon McCasland, and Mandy Paris

321 "Evental Images and the Generation of Argument" Leslie A. Hahner

327 "Corporeal Anxiety: The Visual Argumentation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Tips From Former Smokers Public Service Announcements" Jacob Justice

333 "Recovering Tragedy: Tragic Argument and Nonviolent Protest" Ryan Erik McGeough

339 "Examining Presentational Devices: Strategic Maneuvering in Lipitor’s Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising" Lucas Youngvorst

The Challenge of Interpersonal Arguments

344 "Emotions, Perceived Resolvability, and Conflict Strategy Usage in K–12 Parent–Teacher Serial Arguments" Jennifer L. Bevan, Roxanne Greitz Miller, and Casey Hamilton

350 "Clarifying the Idea of Argument Stakes" Dale Hample, Yiwen Dai, and Mengqi Zhan

357 "A New Measurement for Argument Topic Interdependence in Serial Arguments" Amy Janan Johnson and Ioana A. Cionea

363 "Lines of Argument in Regulative Messages: Comparisons Across Three Decades" Susan L. Kline

The Challenges of/to Academic Debate

369 "Recovering Debate Coach as Civic Figure: Highly Active Debate Coaches, Their Participation in Civic Outreach Activities, and Reward Perceptions" Brian Lain, Mark Hlavacik, Matea Ivanovic, and Brian Ontiveros-Kersch

375 "Pathos in Intercollegiate Debate: Emotion as an Argumentative Warrant" William Mosley-Jensen and Nathan Rothenbaum

380 "Recovering and Celebrating Controversy: Justifications for Intercollegiate Policy Debate for the 21st Century" Edward Panetta and R. Jarrod Atchison

386 "Debate as Oral Activity" Dallas Perkins

Recovering Genres of Discursive Argument

392 "Recovering the Scientific Polemic: Exploring Alfred Kinsey’s Rhetoric" Brendon Bankey

398 "Recovering That Which Never Was Truly Lost: Richard McKeon, the United Nations, and the Importance of Democracy in a World of Tensions" Matthew P. Brigham

403 "Dissenting to Dispassion: Recovering Pathos in Judicial Rhetoric Through Justice Harry Blackmun’s Opinion in Callins v. Collins" Mikaela Malsin

409 "Recovering the Argumentative Limits of the Open Letter: Jackie Robinson’s Open Letters" Scott J.Varda and Abraham I. Khan