First SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 1979


pp.  "Title,"  Author, Institution

Keynote Addresses

8 "From Argument to Argumentation: Fifteen Years of Identify Crisis," Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa

20 "Argument and Forensics," David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Distributed Paper

26 "Argumentation as a Communication Process," John H. Powers, Texas A&M University

Argument and the Law

36 "Summary of the Workshop, 'Communication and the Law' and the panel, 'Legal Argumentation and Advocacy,'" Carl Moore, Kent State University

49 "Analogical Reasoning in Legal Argumentation," William Benoit, Wayne State Unitersity, and John France, Ownes-Illinois, Inc., Toledo

62 "Theoretical Hurdles for the Advocate in Rape Trials," Ralphe Towne and Steven M. Weiss, Temple University

Argument: Theory and Criticism

68 "The 'Ideograph' as a Unit of Analysis in Political Argument," Michael McGee, University of Iowa

88 "Between the Liberal and the Metaphorical: Some Sources of Ambiguity in Scholarly Discourse," Herbert W. Simons, Temple University

94 "The Criticism of Foreign Policy Argument," Robert P. Newman, University of Pittsburgh

103 "Welcome Back Rhojack: Mass Media and the Study of Argument," Philip Wander, San Jose State University

112 "Perspectives on Argument," Joseph W. Wenzel, University of Illinois at Urbana

134 "Wurzburgh Revisited: Some Reasons Why the Induction-Deduction Squabble is Irrelevant to Argumentation," Charles Arthur Willard, Dartmouth College

184 "Argument as Linguistic Opportunity: A Search for Form and Function," V. William Balthrop, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

214 "Argument Communities: A Quest for Distinctions," Ray E. McKerrow, University of Maine at Orono

228 "Product, Process or Point of View?" David Zarefsky, Northwestern University

Argument and Forensics

239 "National Development Conference on Forensics: An Analysis of Four Basic Themes," George W. Ziegelmueller, Wayne State University

245 "Sedalia Plus Five: Forensics as Laboratory," David A. Thomas, Auburn University

258 "The Unfinished Agenda of Sedalia," Jack Rhodes, University of Utah

262 "Some Speculations About Evidence," Charles Arthur Willard, Dartmouth College

287 "The Use of Evidence in Value Argument: A Suggestion," Marilyn J. Young, Florida State University

296 "The 'Study' as Evidence and Argument in Academic, Policy Debate," Sara E. Newell, University of Utah

304 "The Liberal and the Conservative Presumptions: On Political Philosophy and the Foundation of Public Argument," G. Thomas Goodnight, Northwestern University

338 "Liberal and the Conservative Presumptions in Public Argument: A Critique," Thomas J. Hynes, Jr., University of Louisville

348 "Some Questions About Toulmin's View of Argument Fields," Charles Arthur Willard, Dartmouth College

401 "On Fields and Rational Enterprises: A Reply to Willard," Ray E. McKerrow, University of Maine at Orono

414 "The Textbooks for the Basic Argumentation Class: An Exchange with the Authors," Austin J. Freeley, John Carroll University


Rhodes, Jack, and Sara Newell, eds.  Proceedings of the Summer Conference on Argumentation, 1979.  n.p.: n.p., 1980.